
Friday, September 29, 2017

AIDE Tutorial - 38 Show installed Apps Name

AIDE Tutorial - 38 Show installed Apps Name

List of installed apps
This app will help you to get the list of apps installed in your phone.
package com.kcgroup.showappsname;
import android.os.*;
import android.widget.*;
import android.content.*;
import java.util.*;
public class MainActivity extends Activity
private ListView LV;
private ArrayList results=new ArrayList();
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

PackageManager pm=this.getPackageManager();
Intent in=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN,null);

for(ResolveInfo rinfo:list){results.add(rinfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo.loadLabel(pm).toString());


LV.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,results));
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
        android:text="Installed apps"
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
        android:layout_height="match_parent" />
For more watch the video below

Monday, September 25, 2017



Taxation is the biggest source of public revenue of modern government. Tax is a kind of money of which it is a legal duty of every citizen of a country to pay honestly. It may be levied on income, property and even at the time of purchasing commodity. In short, tax is the major source of government income. It is a compulsory payment to the government by tax-payer without any expectation of some specified return.
The revenue of government comes basically from two sources i.e. non-tax sector and tax-sector. Non-tax revenue includes different sources like grants, gift, administrative income and business income like registration fee, fines and penalties. The basic objective of non-tax revenue is not called revenue, but to provide services to the people. In Nepal around 20% revenue comes from this source. Another source of government revenue is taxation. Custom duty, excise duty, vat, personal income taxes are some example of sources of tax revenue. In Nepal around 80% revenue comes from this source. The government pass for getting tax revenue is to collect tax as per act. The tax cannot be imposed without the act of parliament in Nepal too.

What is tax?

The word ‘Tax’ is derived from the Latin word ‘taxare’ which means to estimate. In simple words, it is compulsory payment by the people. If a person denies the tax payment, he/she may be penalized or punished in the court of law. So ‘Taxation’ is the compulsory contribution from a person to the government to meet expenses incurred in the common interest. So tax is the compulsory levy and those who are taxed have to pay it without any direct benefit. Due to this compulsory nature some economist says, “Nothing is certain except death and tax.” some economist says, “Death and tax are both certain but death is not annual, tax is annual.” Some economist says, “Death means stopping to pay tax.”
Tax is necessary contribution by the tax payer to social objectives like securing high level of employment, social security, promoting economic stability of nation, etc.


Tax is an important tool in the development of economy. It affects the overall structure of the whole economy. The main elements of good tax system are highlighted below:
  1. Tax is the compulsory payment not a voluntary payment or donation.
  2. Tax is the payment to the government as per the prevailing law.
  3. Aim of tax collection is for public welfare.
  4. Taxes are paid by the person.
  5. Taxes are paid out of income.
  6. No effect on trade and industry. (honeybee concept)
  7. Tax is required to be paid at regular intervals.
  8. Failing to pay taxes is subject to punishment by law.


The primary objective of a tax system is to generate revenues to pay for the expenditures of government at all levels. Besides raising revenues, tax has become an instrument of social and economic policy for the government. The main objectives of taxation are:
  1. Raising public revenue Normally, the objective for the imposition of tax is to collect the revenue for the government. The government providing social service promoting economic development and meeting war expenditure all of this expansion in the scope of economic activities have created up greater fund to be spent by the government. The greater the need of funds the greater is resource of taxation. Thus, the aim of taxation is to raise public revenue to meet the increasing public expenditure.
  2. Reduction of inequalities in income and wealthAnother aim of taxation is to reduce the inequality income. One of the great problems of underdeveloped country is that there is the vast gap between the income of person in the highest income group and of those in the lowest income group. One of the objectives of taxation is to redistribute income and wealth in such a way as to ensure more just and equitable distribution. This is possible by taxing; rich people are imposed high tax and less tax to the poorer. This is the objective of progressive tax like income tax, wealth tax, etc.
  3. Restriction on unnecessary consumptionAnother objective of taxation is to restrict the unnecessary consumption particularly harmful commodities such as wine, cigarette, tobacco, etc. when heavy tax is imposed on such commodities, the consumption of such commodities are automatically reduced.
  4. Increase in national income
  5. Another objective of taxation is to Increase in national income. Tax is the main source of government income and used for productive purpose and thereby overall production is increased. These increase in production leads to increase in national income of country along with increase in per capita income.
  6. Business stability and maintaining full employmentAnother objective of taxation is to bring above business stability and maintain full employment condition. Low rate of taxation during business depression provides more income to the people and help in raising demand as well as to revive business activities.
    On the other hand, high rate of tax and additional tax may be useful to check inflation pressure on price. Thus, tax policy may be used as a regularity mechanism to achieve price stability, check business booms and depression and also maintain full employment in the economy.

    Canon of taxation

    There are different views regarding of a good tax system. The canons of taxation were first developed by Prof. Adam smith. Adam smith’s view in this respect is generally accepted as the features of good tax system. Smith’s four canons as outlined in his book entitled ‘An enquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of nation’ are as follows.
    1. Canon of equality or benefitAccording to this Canon, a good tax system is that which is based on the principle of equality. In broader sense, equality may be considered to be same as justice. In this principle, it is maintained that the tax must be levied according to the paying capacity of the individual. In other words, the principle of benefit states that the burden of taxation should be fair and just. Thus, rich people must be subjected to higher taxation in comparison to the poor. Higher the income higher the tax, lower the income lower the tax.
      Adam smith has defined this principle as “the subject of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities, that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of state.” He states that every individual should contribute according to his ability so that equalities of sacrifice are achieved.
    2. Canon of certaintyCanon of certainty is important Canon of taxation; Certainty in the word of smith is related to the time, method, manner and quantity of paying tax. It means the tax payer should determine the following manners carefully.a.The time of the payment b. Amount to be paid c.Methods of payment d.Place of payment e.The authority to whom the tax is to be paid
    3. Canon of convenientConvenient is another quality that should be in good tax system. Most of the tax payers are ordinary people who neither have sufficient tax-related knowledge nor the capacity to hire tax experts. The tax system should be of such type that can be followed by ordinary people in the society.
      The time of payment should be convenient like land revenue should best be collected at the harvest time. The income tax from the salary should best be collected when they get their salary from their employer.
    4. Canon of economyThis Canon of economy implies that minimum possible money should be spent in the collection of tax. The maximum part of collected amount should be deposited in the government treasury. Thus, all extra unnecessary expenditure in this collection should be avoided.
      In addition to above four Canons of taxation given by Adam smith, there are other Canons which have been added by modern economist Bastable are given below:
    5. Canon of productivityThis canon says that the fund raised through taxes should be utilized by the government in productive sector of the economy so that the taxpayer can see the utilization of their hand-earned money paid as taxes.
      According to this principle, it is better to impose a few productive taxes than to go in for a large number of unproductive taxes.
    6. Canon of elasticity/flexibilityThis canon signifies that the taxes should be levied in such a way the amount to be collected can be increased or decreased with the least inconvenience from the time to time.
      Other modern economists have added some other canons of taxation. They are:
    7. Canon of simplicity
    8. Canon of uniformity
    9. Canon of Neutrality
    10. Canon of co-ordination
    11. Canon of diversity

    Types/Classification of tax

    A tax can be classified into different division on different basis. Our government classifies tax in following heads i.e. taxes from international trade, taxes from internally produced and consumed goods, land revenue and taxes from income, profit and property.Basically, the taxes can be classified in following different ways:

    Direct tax

    A direct tax is one which cannot be shifted to others. A direct tax is actually paid by the person on whom it is legally imposed like income tax, vehicle tax, and property tax. It is directly collected by the government from the person who bears the tax burden. It is the tax on income and property.
    1. It satisfies the principle of ability to pay.
    2. It is economical because it is imposed on limited person in the society.
    3. It is elastic.
    4. It has quality of progressive.


    1. It creates feeling of high burden of tax.
    2. It is inconvenient.
    3. There is high evasion.
    4. It burden goes to only small section of the people.
    5. It is expensive for the government to collect tax individually.
    6. Its scope is very narrow.

    Indirect tax

    An indirect tax is that tax where the person pays tax to the businessman, not to the government. In other words, an indirect tax is imposed on one person but paid partly or fully by another like excise duty, VAT, etc. indirect tax can be shifted.


    1. It is convenient
    2. It is difficult to evade
    3. It has wide base
    4. Mass participation
    5. It is universal in nature, it is collected from all the citizen
    6. It is not based on ability to pay
    7. It creates inequality in the society, rich and poor are same.
    8. This tax is uncertain with the fluctuation in demand the tax amount can also fluctuate.

    Major taxes in Nepal

    Nepal government collects revenue from different sources. Right now, the types of these taxes are around 24. However, from the revenue point of view only five types of tax have importance.

    Custom duty

    Taxes imposed by a country on all import and export goods, when the goods cross the boundaries of the country are called custom duty. It is also called boarder tax. The customs imposed on imported goods are called import duty whereas, imposed on imported goods are called export duty. In Nepal, from custom duty cover in previous year around 19% of the total revenue.

    Value added tax (VAT)

    VAT system was introduced in 1919 in France and used in 1954. Right now more than 160 countries in the world and latest country, south Sudan of the world use this tax system. In Nepal, this tax was introduced in 1997 replacing sales tax, entertainment tax, hotel tax and contract tax. Right now, the rate of VAT on Nepal is 0 and 13%. The contribution from this tax is around 29% of the total revenue.

    Excise duty

    Tax levied on the manufacture, sell or consumption of goods or services injurious to health or luxurious goods is called excise duty. It is narrow-based indirect tax for this tax provides around 12% of the total revenue in previous year.

    Local tax

    Local tax is the tax imposed by local governments however in Nepal the concept of local tax is a new one. It was started after 2054.

    Income tax


15 Best Use of OTG Cable

15 Best Use of OTG Cable
OTG (On The Go) cables donot support on all the devices before buying please make a google search to know whether your device support or not.
  1. Connect Keyboard
  2. Connecting smartphone to external keyboard from OTG is yes now possible. This will help the user to type using the computer's keyboard freely (plug and play). There's no need to download or install any kind of software. Keyboard start to work instantly after connected.
  3. Connect Mouse
  4. Just like the Keyboard,connecting smartphone to mouse from OTG is yes now possible. This will help the user to click,go back and scroll also. It is also plug and play,there's no need to download or install any kind of software. Mouse start to work instantly after connected. You can also see the mouse icon in your smartphone while using which will be handy to show touch for making tutorial.
  5. Reverse charging (Charge other phone
  6. Now you can share your mobile battery also using OTG cable i.e. charging another phone. This is the best for emergency you can share your mobile battery with others. you need to have one OTG supported smartphone to charge another phone. This is the most heard features nowadays.
    How to operate?
    Connect OTG to the device which device is going to share battery and connect another phone using data cable. Now your phone starts to charge instantly.You can charge not only phones, you can even charge your smartwatch and other devices via USB connecter cable.
    Note: Use Reverse Charging features in emergency only.
  7. DSLR controller and monitor
  8. Do you have DSLR without rotating monitor ot you want to control you DSLR using smartphone then, this is the best option for you. For those who are fund of using DSLR can now you their smartphone not only as Big size screen monitor but also as a controller that can control all settings and modify as per needed using smartphone.
    For this features you need to install DSLR Controller App which is paid version. you can also find other free version but they mightnot work well and have limited access to the settings.
    You can even use your PC as a monitor of DSLR
  9. Connect Memory Card reader
  10. Connect Hard drive/Pendrive
  11. Connect Fan
  12. Connect Light
  13. Connect audio jack (sound card)
  14. Connect Game Controller
  15. Connect Ethernet Cable
  16. Connect Printer
  17. Portable DAC or amp
  18. Share contacts, messages between two phones
  19. Chromecast or HDMI

Friday, September 22, 2017

नेपाल टेलिकमको दसैंमा छुट र अफर

नेपाल टेलिकमले दसैंको अवसरमा विभिन्न छुट र अफर ल्याएको छ । विगतमा दसैं तिहारमा दिँदै आएको सुविधालाई यसपालि पनि निरन्तरता दिँदै थप केही अफर ल्याएको कम्पनीले जनाएको छ ।

रिचार्जमा बोनस

जिएसएम तथा सिडिएमए प्रिपेड मोबाइलमा रिचार्ज कार्डमार्फत रिचार्ज गर्दा  असोज पाँचदेखि १० गतेसम्म रिचार्ज गर्दा बोनस दिएको छ । ग्राहकले ५० देखि हजार रुपैयाँ रिचार्ज कार्डमार्फत रिचार्ज गर्दा १० प्रतिशत बोनस पाउनेछन् । १० र सो भन्दा बढी एमपिओएसमार्फत रिचार्ज गर्दा १० प्रतिशत बोनस उपलब्ध गराइएको टेलिकमले जनाएको छ ।

युट्युब डाटा प्याकेज

जिएसएम प्रिपेड तथा पोस्टपेड मोबाइलमा युट्यब डाटा प्याकेज अन्तर्गत एक सय रुपैयाँमा एक जिबी डाटा भोल्युम प्राप्त हुनेछ । यो प्याकेज २१ दिनको अवधिसम्म प्रयोग गर्न सकिने छ । त्यसैगरी, ६० रुपैयाँमा पाँच सय एमबी डाटा भोल्युम १४ दिनका लागि उपलब्ध हुनेछ । यो प्याकेज असोज ५ देखि १९ गतेसम्म लिइसक्नु पर्ने टेलिकमले जनाएको छ ।

कम्बो प्याकेज

जिएसएम तथा सिडिएमए प्रिपेड/पोस्टपेड मोबाइलमा कम्पनीको नेटवर्कभित्र भ्वाइस, एसएमएस र डाटा प्याकेजअन्तर्गत १० रुपैयाँमा ६ मिनेट भ्वाइस, पाँचवटा एसएमएस र १५ एमबी डाटा भोल्युम प्राप्त हुनेछ । यो प्याकेज एक दिनको अवधिसम्म प्रयोग गर्न सकिने छ । त्यसैगरी, २५ रुपैयाँमा १६ मिनेट भ्वाइस, १६ वटा एसएमएस र ३५ एमबी डाटा भोल्युम तीन दिन अवधिका लागि उपलब्ध हुनेछ । ५० रुपैयाँमा ४५ मिनेट भ्वाइस, २५ वटा एसएमएस र ७० एमबी डाटा भोल्युम पाँच दिन, सय रुपैयाँमा एक सय १० मिनेट भ्वाइस, ३० वटा एसएमएस र एक सय ५० एमबी डाटा भोल्युम १० दिन र तीन सय रुपैयाँमा तीन सय ६० मिनेट भ्वाइस, ४० वटा एसएमएस र ६ सय एमबी डाटा भोल्युम ३० दिनका लागि उपलब्ध हुनेछ । यो प्याकेज २०७४ असोज ५ देखि १९ गतेसम्म लिइसक्नु पर्ने टेलिकमले जनाएको छ ।

भ्वाइस प्याकेज

जिएसएम तथा सिडिएमए प्रिपेड/पोस्टपेड मोबाइलमा कम्पनीको नेटवर्कभित्र भ्वाइस प्याकेज अन्तर्गत १० रुपैयाँमा ११ मिनेट भ्वाइस कल प्राप्त हुनेछ । यो प्याकेज एक दिनको अवधिसम्म प्रयोग गर्न सकिने छ । त्यसैगरी, २५ रुपैयाँमा ३० मिनेट तीन दिन अवधिका लागि उपलब्ध हुनेछ । ५० रुपैयाँमा ७५ मिनेट पाँच दिन, सय रुपैयाँमा दुई सय मिनेट १० दिन र तीन सय रुपैयाँमा ६ सय ५० मिनेट ३० दिनका लागि उपलब्ध हुनेछ । यो प्याकेज असोज ५ देखि १९ गतेसम्म लिइसक्नु पर्नेछ ।

पिएसटिएन/सी–फोन सेवामा बोनस

पिएसटिएन र सी–फोन सेवाका ग्राहकलाई न्यूनतम मासिक महसुल दुई सय रुपैयाँमा एक सय ७५ स्थानीय कल निःशुल्क उपलब्ध गराइरहेकोमा असोज र कात्तिक महिनामा सय–सय स्थानीय कल थप गरी न्यूनतम मासिक महसुलमा कुल दुई सय ७५ कल निःशुल्क उपलब्ध गराइएको टेलिकमले जनाएको छ ।

एसएमएसमा छुट

जिएसएम तथा सिडिएमए प्रिपेड/पोस्टपेड सेवामार्फत कम्पनीकै नेटवर्कभित्र हुने एसएमएस सेवाको विद्यमान महसुल दरमा असोज ११ देखि १९ गतेसम्म ५० प्रतिशत छुट उपलब्ध गराइएको छ । उक्त अवधिमा कम्पनीको नेटवर्कभित्र ५० पैसामा एसएमएस उपलब्ध हुनेछ ।

फोरजी सिम निःशुल्क परिवर्तन

कम्पनीले असोज ५ देखि कात्तिक ३० सम्म फोरजी सेवा लिनका लागि आवश्यक पर्ने सिम (यू सिम) परिवर्तन निःशुल्क गरिएको छ । यो सेवा कम्पनीका काठमाडौ, ललितपुर, भक्तपुर र कास्की जिल्लाका काउन्टरमार्फत उपलब्ध हुने टेलिकमले जनाएको छ । साथै विभिन्न महोत्सवमा स्थापित स्टलबाट पनि लिन सकिने छ ।

एडिएसएल/एफटिटिएच/वाइम्याक्स अफर

असोज ११ देखि १८ गतेभित्र अनलिमिटेड र भोलुम बेस्ड एडिएसएल एकाउन्ट, वाइम्याक्सको समयावधि समाप्त हुने ग्राहकको समयावधि असोज १९ सम्म थप गरिएको छ ।
Source: Nagarik News

साथै नेपाल टेलिकमले आइ पी टिभी मोबाइल एप्लिकेसनमार्फत नि:शुल्क हेर्न सकिने व्यवस्था पनि गरेको छ। यो अफर दशैसम्म रहने छ।

Mobile banner ad Top

Thursday, September 21, 2017

WOW Time ||Nepal Telecom's IPTV in Nepal

WOW Time ||Nepal Telecom's IPTV in Nepal

Nepal has  rapidly progress in IT sector. Recently Both Axiata Ncell and Nepal Telecom have upgraded their network to 4G. Similarly, the concept of IP TV is slowly rising. In Nepal, First IP TV was launched by NetTV Nepal via Application and different other internet provider company. Two/Three months ago, Nepal Telecom also upgraded their landline services from PSTN to IP showing interest on IP TV. Recently, they launched their test app (WOW TIME) for both android and iOS users.
Wow Time App Features:
  1. Needs to have NTC GSM and CDMA users
  2. Available both on iOS and Android
  3. Free for the first month (for Dashain)
  4. Needs to purchase Live TV Data Packs (after Dashain)

Related articles:
  1. Channels provided by WOW TIME 
  2. NetTV Nepal
  3. Channels Provided by NetTV
  4. Live NetTV -Best App to watch for free
You need to download the WOW time app from play store, signup with your NTC phone number and enter the validation code you get through SMS. And you can instanly watch TV on your phone.
There are limited channels are available for now in beta phase,  you can choose to watch from over 130 selected channels and many more will be added as time passes.The app is almost similar to the NET TV app, with videos and movie tab similar to NET TV but there is another additional function of  playing live Radio than NET TV. The app notifies the users that their services are free until Dashain. But there is no any information about the price of the data pack. NET TV provides it's IP TV service with Application, Ncell, Vianet, Worldlink, HONs and other.

In this competitve world, We can see both Opportunities and Threats for them. Threat is it will be tough to compete Nepal's first IP TV NET TV and opportunities is Nepal Telecom have many more users they can boost their TV using Postpaid, Prepaid, CDMA, WiMax, ADSL to establish themself in the Market. Now, we need to watch is.
  • What will be the next strategy of Nepal Telecom to establish them in the market?
  • Will it be the market leader?
  • What will be the reaction of NET TV to Nepal Telecom's WOW TIME?WOW
For now, Use the WOW Time app for free upto Dashain. And Happy Dashain to All.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

AIDE Tutorial - 37 Share Button on Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp

AIDE Tutorial - 37 Share Button on Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp

Watch the video below
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
        android:text="Share our article on Facebook,Messenger and on Whatsapp"
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
        android:text="Share on Facebook"
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
        android:text="Share on Messenger"
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
        android:text="Share on Whatsapp"
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
import android.os.*;
import android.view.*;
import android.content.*;
import android.widget.*;
public class MainActivity extends Activity
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
public void onfb(View v){try{
Intent intent=new Intent(
intent.putExtra(intent.EXTRA_TEXT," "+"Live NetTv App-Best App to watch online TV ");
}catch(Exception e){
Toast.makeText(this,"Error!Facebook is not installed",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} }
public void onmsg(View v){try{
Intent intent=new Intent(
intent.putExtra(intent.EXTRA_TEXT," "+"Live NetTv App-Best App to watch online TV ");
}catch(Exception e){
Toast.makeText(this,"Error!Messenger is not installed",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} }
public void onapp(View v){try{
Intent intent=new Intent(
intent.putExtra(intent.EXTRA_TEXT," "+"Live NetTv App-Best App to watch online TV ");
}catch(Exception e){
Toast.makeText(this,"Error!Whatsapp is not installed",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}} }

Friday, September 15, 2017

Live NetTV -Watch all channels for free anywhere

Live NetTV
Click on the image to download the app for android

Live NetTV provides 500+ live TV channels in 9 categories which are: Sports, Entertainment, News, Movies, Documentary, Cooking, Music, Kids and Religious. It is so simple to use that you will instantly love it. The app developer always try our best to keep links up to date.
Best Features
The best part of this apps is you can watch all channels for free of cost. Shows some ads i think the apps worth it
No Login/SignUp required
Includes countrywise categories and also some Nepali channels 珞
We can also donate developer without paying cash(can watch ads to donate).

"We are a team of enthusiastic students, passionate to provide the best services in market. Just give us a try and let us know if you have any issues. Even if you don't like our app, at least let us know what we can do to improve. We Listen...because We Care...We are here to serve you."

Easy interface brings each channel from any category to the user just on a single swipe. Not to worry if a link to the desired channel is not working because there are several link to a single channel. Want a channel that is not among the list! Just notify us the name of the channel from the side pannel and the channel would be added on the fly.
There are more than 500 channel in it and they are divided into nine categories. Just swipe left or right to your desired category and enjoy. Report any channel that's not working by long touch on the channel icon because we are here to serve at the best.

Just install it on any Android powered device i.e. Android phones, tablets, TV, TV Boxes and even in Android Auto and enjoy Live TV on the go...AnyWhere...AnyTime....!!

Easy Channel Reporting
Any user of this application through out the globe may resquest a channel to be added from the application side panel. Even may report a not working by long touch on the channel icon so we may take care of it.

Smart Notifications on Fly
Notification of any new channel added on the user request will be notified on the fly to every single user of the application. A personel notificaton for any reported channel by a user is also on the fly as it is taken care of.
Saves your Time
The best part! It's just so quick to use. No subscriptions...No Sign Up required...No monthly charges...(only your data charges apply according to your plan/package)

Watch the Live NetTV App Review

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

World Trade Organization-WTO

World Trade Organization  (WTO 1995)

After 1947, GATT was established, later it was change in WTO in 1995. Around 150 countries of the world are members in WTO. Nepal also became member of WTO in 2002 AD. The World Trade Organization came into existence from 1st January 1995. One of the youngest international organization,  the WTO is the successer to the General Agreement in Tarrif and Trade (GATT) established in the wake of the second world war. While WTO is still long multilateral system that was originally  of under GATT is already 60 years old. The system was developed through the series of trade              under the GATT.

The main objective of WTO is to help flow smoothly freely, fairly and predictability.  The major objective or function of WTO are defined as follows.
  • Administering trade agreement
  • Acting as a forum for trade negotiation
  • Settling trade disputes
  • Reviewing national trade policy
  • Assisting the developing countries in trade policy issues through technical assistance and training programme
  • Co-operating with international organization

Basic principles
  1. Non discrimination
  2. Fair competition
  3. Development justice
  4. Transparency
  5. Increase certainty
  6. Simplification and standardization

Positive Impact of WTO
  1. Market expansion
  2. Industrial development
  3. Peace maintenance
  4. Dispute settlement
  5. Uniformity in system
  6. Same rule for all
  7. Increase in free trade
  8. Increase in competition
  9. Increase in consumer choice
  10. Employment generation
  11. Increase in living standards
  12. Economic growth
  13. Encourage the good governance
  14. Increase in government revenue

NegativeImpact of WTO
  1. Dictates policies
  2. Always free trade
  3. Doesnot care the environment
  4. Dominance
  5. Unemployment
  6. Powerless of small firm
  7. Harmful to domestic industries
  8. Undemocratic
  9. Low quality of goods
  10. Only short term benefit
  11. Gap between agreement and practice
  12. Adverse effect on economic growth


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

AIDE Tutorial - 36 Image View

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
  android:orientation="vertical"  >     <ImageView
        android:layout_height="450dp" /> <Button
android:text="Change Image"
       android:layout_height="wrap_content"/> </LinearLayout>
package com.kcgroup.iv; import*;
import android.os.*;
import android.widget.*;
import android.view.View.*;
import android.view.*; public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

public void addListenerOnButton(){
final ImageView image=(ImageView)findViewById(;
Button btn=(Button)findViewById(;
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v){
image.setImageResource(R.drawable.image_two); }
} }

NEA Online Payment Counter

Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has recently started its own online payment system in some places and more are coming soon. To know how to pay electricity online watch the video to know payment method from different online payment gateway.
  1. Pay Electricity Bill Online in Nepal ||eSewa
  2. Pay Nepal Electricity Bill Online ||
  3. Pay Nepal Electricity Bill Online ||Siddhartha Bank Smart -----Coming SOON

List of the counters added

  1. Anarmani
  2. Badegaun
  3. Balaju
  4. Baneswor
  5. Belbari
  6. Beltar
  7. Bhadrapur
  8. Bhaktapur
  9. Bharatpur
  10. Bhiman
  11. Biratnagar
  12. Birgunj
  13. Budhabare
  14. BudhaNilkantha
  15. Chabahil
  16. Chapagaun
  17. Chapur
  18. Damak
  19. Dhankuta
  20. Dharan
  21. Dhulabari
  22. Duhabi
  23. Gaur
  24. Gauradah
  25. Gaushala
  26. Hanuman Nagar
  27. Hetauda
  28. Inaruwa
  29. Itahari
  30. Jaleshwor
  31. Janakpur
  32. Jorpati
  33. Kalaiya
  34. Kanchanpur
  35. Kavre
  36. Khajura
  37. Kirtipur
  38. Kohalpur
  39. Kuleshor
  40. Lagankhel
  41. Lahan
  42. Lubhu
  43. Maharajgunj
  44. Malangwa
  45. Manthali
  46. Naxal
  47. Nepalgunj
  48. Nijgadh
  49. Okhaldhunga
  50. Palpa
  51. Panauti
  52. Pokhara
  53. Pokhara Ghramin
  54. Pulchowk
  55. Ramechhap
  56. Rangeli
  57. Rani
  58. Ratnapark
  59. Rukum
  60. Sanischare
  61. Sankhu
  62. Simara
  63. Sindhuli
  64. Surkhet
  65. Tandi
  66. Terathum
  67. Thimi
  68. Udayapur
  69. Urlabari

Last update: February 20 2018

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