TU questions of Research Methodology
- What is scientific research? Discuss its characteristics.
- What is a research design? Explain the elements of a research design.
- What is review of literature? Discuss why it is necessary for a research work?
- Define the terms"reliability and validity". Discuss its importance in measurement of data.
- What are basic difference between a thesis and a project work? Explain the methods of a project work?
- What is questionnaire method of a data collection? Why pre-test is necessary for conducting questionnaire method of data collection? Explain.
- what is the importance of research in management studies? Describe the difficulties in application of scientific methods in management research.
- What is the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning in research?
- Explain the research problem, research question and research hypothesis.
- What is the importance of review of literature in management'research?Describe various formats of review presentations.
- What is research design? Describe basic features of qualitative research design with suitable example.
- What is a questionnaire? Discuss the limitations in questionnaire design.
- Describe various aspects of the research report in management research.
- What is scientific research? Explain the role of research in management.
- What is review of literature? Discuss why it is necessary in a research work.
- What is research design? Describe the types of research design used in the field of management.
- What is questionnaire? Describe the nature and quality of a good questionnaire.
- What is research problem? Explain how research problems are identified.
- What is research report? Describe the format of a research report with suitable illustrations.
- Differentiate between basic and applied research. Describe the process of scientific research.
- What is research hypothesis? Discuss the types of hypothesis and their formulation.
- State and explain the importance of literature review in management research.
- Describe the sources of the literature and the format of review presentation of a textbook and a journal.
- Describe various types of research design applicable in management research. Illustrate each of them with suitable example.
- Discuss how reliability and validity are important in the measurement of attitude in scale.
- Explain the qualitative data collection methods. Discuss the factors affecting choice of data collection methods.
- What is research? Explain the role of research in management.
- What is research hypothesis? What are the characteristics of a good research hypothesis and explain the procedure of testing of hypothesis.
- Explain the needs and importance of 'Review of Literature ' in management research and describe various formats of review presentation.
- Discuss the various types of research design? Explain the common sources of error in research design.
- What are the types of data measurement? Explain the Likard scale as a measurement of attitude scale.
- What is research report? Explain how research report should be prepared and presented.
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