
Monday, May 4, 2015

Foundation of Human Resource Management in Nepal


Human resource management is a part of management. It is directly related to the people (employees). Human resource management manages the employees of different level to get maximum effort towards the organizational goal. Human resources are consider as the brain of the organization that mobilize other resources like finance, materials, machinery and equipments, system, etc.
Human resources management is the new concept or modified form of personnel management. It is also called staff management. PERSONNEL management includes selection, placement, training, transfer of employees. Human resource management is the comprehensive form to manage the employees. It includes human resource planning, acquiring, selection, placement, training, motivation, maintenance of employees. In short, Human resource management performs Acquisition, Development, Utilization (mobilization), and Maintenance functions (ADUM).
According to Decenzo and Robbins, “Human resource management is the process consisting of the Acquisition, Development, Utilization (mobilization), and Maintenance functions (ADUM) of human resource.”
                              Human resource management is the process concerned with the management of human energizes for achieving organizational objectives through Acquisition, Development, Utilization (mobilization), and Maintenance functions. Well-trained and qualified human resources are valuable assets to make organization success.

Nature/ Characteristics of Human resource management:

1.   Human Focus:
Human resource management is concerned with the effective management of people possessing energy and capabilities. It is individual oriented. It is specially focused on the human oriented approach. It regards people as the most important resource of an organization every employee is the concern of management.
2.   Management Function:
Human resource management is concerned with management function of staffing. It is an important function of management. It is concerned with all levels of human resources at work. It is performed by all levels of managers. Human resource management responsibility cannot be delegated.
3.   Pervasive Function:
Human resource management is a pervasive function of management which should be performed by all levels of management. The responsibility of human resource cannot be delegated to others.
4.   Continuous Process:
Human resource management is the continuous never ending process. It is not a onetime activity or process. It will continue till the organization exists. It is continuously monitored at every step of organization existence. It not only concern present but also future.
5.   Dynamic Process:
Human resource management is dynamic process which changes day by day. It is influenced by the changes in environment i.e. internal environment like human resource policies, goals of the organization, structure, resources, and external environment like PEST, etc factors. It ensures environmental adaptation.

6.   System:
Human resource management is a system consisting input, processing and output. It utilizes the input, process them and also provide output as the result of human resource management.
7.   Mutually Oriented Activities:
Mutual means common interest. It ensures commitment of employees. Human resource management promotes mutual relation between employers and employees. It focuses on team work.

Objectives of Human resource management:

1.   Goal Achievement:
There may be different types of goal.
a.   Personal goal:
Human resource management assists employees to achieve their personal goal because they know that if their goals are fulfilled they will be motivated. They can be related to compensation, development, placement and career development, etc. it secures integration of individual goals and organization goals.
b.   Organizational goal:
Human resource management is also a part of management. It also gives more emphasis on the organizational goal by the utilization of human resource to fulfill the organizational goal such as profit, survival, growth, efficiency, service, leadership, motivation, and industrial peace.
c.   Societal goal:
Human resource management assists organization to achieve societal goals. Such can be to enhance the welfare of customers and society, creation of employment opportunities, solution of social problems and protection of environment. They make the organization socially responsible.

2.   Goal Harmony:
Goal harmony means taking two or more goals of employees and organization together. Employees involve in the organization for the fulfillment of their aim or goal, but organization has their own goal. In this condition both goal cannot be fulfilled due to different thinking of organization and employees.  Human resource management facilitates to harmonize the goal and maintain relation so that whole goal can be fulfilled.
3.   Structured Maintenance:
All organizations have structure, it assigns task to people. It defines jobs and relationships. Human resource management helps to maintain organizational structure. It staffs the positions provided in the structure and fulfills the vacancies.
4.   Productivity Improvement:
The main aim of the recruitment, training, managing is to improve the productivity level. Human resource management helps to increase productivity and efficiency of the individuals by minimizing wastage. Human resource management focuses right person to the right job for the betterment of job and productivity improvement.
5.   Efficiency promotion:
Human resource management ensures cost-effective utilization of human resources. This avoids waste and promotes efficiency.
6.   Change Management:
Change means improvement or making things different. Effective Human resource management promotes readiness to change among employees and adapts to changing environment.

Functions of Human resource management

Human resource management is an important function of organization. It manages or utilizes the human resource for the betterment of organization. At present, human resource management plays the vital role for the proper utilization of resources; therefore, an organization should focus for the human resource management. The following points are the major function of human resource management:

A.    Acquisition:
Acquisition is the first function of human resource management. It directly related to how to encourage the candidate in the organization for the right job at the right time. Acquisition function of human resource management performs the staffing function. The following activities are considered as the acquisition function of human resource management.
I.        Human resource planning
In this function, human resource management identifies the need of employees and placement them at the right time. An organization needs different nature of employees in the different levels.
II.        Job analysis
Job analysis identifies the required number of employees for the different levels with proper qualification, skilled, experienced, etc. It focuses for matching the nature of job, qualification, and skill of employees.
III.        Recruitment
In the acquisition function, right candidates are encouraged to apply for the vacant post and large number of employees will recruit for the particular job.
IV.        Selection
Selection is another acquisition function of human resource management.
After the recruitment of candidates; right candidates can be selected for the right post. The nature of job is very important to select the candidates.
B.    Development
This is the second function of human resource management. After the acquisition function, organization should provide the proper training to the newly selected employees on the basis of nature of job. In development function, the following activities are performed:
I.        Employees Training
After the acquisition of employees, human resource management should provide proper training on the basis of level of employees and nature of activities or responsibilities. Proper training increases confidence of employees to the assigned job.
II.        Management Training
Management training is provided to the top level managers, CEO as well as the policy maker. The member of top level management should get the proper training to manage and utilize the human resource’s effort for the betterment of the organization.
III.        Career Development
Career development is the skill development of employees. It indicates the perfectness and accountable in the particular field or area. Just performing the work as per the instruction is not called career development. Being self-dependent, qualified, and skilled person is career development.
C.     Utilization
Utilization is the third important function of human resource management.
It refers to the proper utilization of selected employees on the basis of right person to the right job, which increase the organizational productivity. Under utilization function of human resource management includes the following activities:
I.        Increase Productivity
After providing proper training to the employees, employees should be appointed according to qualification, interest, training, etc so that the individuals working efficiency will be increased as well as that facilitates to increase the productivity of organization.
II.        Motivation
 Positive motivation helps to utilize the human resource to get the maximum effort; proper reward system, fair promotion, incentives, quality work life, etc motivate the employees towards for the job.
III.        Performance Appraisal (Evaluation)
 Scientific performance appraisal helps to utilize the human resource towards the organizational activities. Job evaluation of employees shows the achievement of the individual as well as organization. It also helps to compare the employees’ performance of the past and present.
IV.        Compensation Management
Compensation refers to the payment of salary, remuneration, and other financial and non-financial incentives. The remuneration of employees should be on the basis of nature of job, level or position of employees.
D.    Maintenance
Maintenance is the last important function of human resource management. It is directly concerned to the maintenance of human activities, maintaining discipline, mutual relation among the employees or between employees and management. It also performs the different activities for the employees’ welfare.
I.        Employees Discipline
Better employees discipline maintains the good co-ordination, mutual relation among the working groups and individuals. Well-disciplined employees and management contribute to survive and advancement of an organization by formulating rules and regulation, system proper discipline can be maintained.
II.        Labour Relation
Labour relation refers to the mutual co-operation and help among the employees, working groups, management and employees. Lower level employees should help the top level by performing assigned job. In the similar manner, top level management should consider the employees’ demand, grievances, problem, etc.
III.        Employees’ Welfare
Human resource management should launch the different types of activities for the employees’ welfare. Such types of activities include fair promotion, providing after retirement facilities, bonus, health and education facility or allowances, etc.
Personnel Management and Human Resource Management
Personnel management is the traditional concept. It is directly related to the better utilization of employees.
        Human resource management is the comprehensive function. It includes all activities related to employees like Acquisition, Development, Utilization (mobilization), and Maintenance. The following are some difference between personnel and human resource management.
Basis of difference
Personnel Management
Human Resource Management
Personnel management focus the employees as input (raw material) in the production function
Human resource management focus the employees as strategic resource of organization
Personnel management has the limited scope especially it is use in middle level.
Human resource management has broad scope; it covers all levels of management.
Personnel management performs the daily or routine type of activities.
Human resource management performs the strategic activities like formulation of plans and policies and implementation.
Job Design
Personnel management designs the job on the basis of division of labour.
Human resource management designs the job on the basis of team work.
The main outcome of personnel management is concerned with the employees’ satisfaction.
Human resource management is concerned with the satisfaction of employees as well as maintaining good environment in organization.
Personnel management tries to fulfill the interest of top level management.
Human resource management tries to fulfill the interest of organization as well as employees.
Personnel management is oriented to maintain the proper discipline, direction, and controlling activities.
Human resource management related functions are oriented to develop the system, growth and achievement of organization.
There is restricted communication in personnel management.
Under human resource management, there is open communication system.
Personnel management regards investment in employees as a variable cost.
Human resource management regards investment in employees as social capital capable to develop.
Personnel management has a short term plans to utilize the employees to complete the particular job.
Human resource management has long term plans it focus to reach the destination.

Human Resource Management System
Human resource management is a system; it includes input, process, and output. It focus qualified employees system, human resource plan, etc are inputs and human resource management functions like Acquisition, Development, Utilization (mobilization), and Maintenance (ADUM) are the processes and productivity, consumers’ satisfaction, etc are the outputs of the human resource management.
           Human resource management is the social system and related to the behaviour
A.  Inputs
Input is the first step of human resource management system. It is a social system therefore, as an input human energy, competency, human resource plan, inventory (number of employees), job analysis (right qualification and skill for the particular job) and labour market (external and internal source). Inputs of human resource management directly affect the organizational activities and achievement of organization. Better utilization of human resource planning, human resource inventory, etc contributes for the good processing and outcomes.
B.  Process
Process is another step of human resource management system. It converts the raw material into semi or finished goods. In the similar manner, human resource process utilizes the employees’ skill, experience, knowledge for the better outcomes. In this step, the following activities are carried on:
    I.        Acquisition:
In this function or process, human resource management system focuses for the recruitment of possible candidates and selection of the right candidates for the right job at the right time. At last, socialize them according to the requirement of the organization.
 II.        Development
Development process makes the employees more confident and qualified about the assigned job. It focuses on proper training to all employees according to the nature of job, position and post. Management training focuses the skill development of manager, CEO, and other top level managers.
      Career development process makes the employees more qualified, confident, and professional. They will be experts for the particular job.
III.        Utilization
Utilization process gives the priority how to use the energy, skill of employees. For this purpose, management should apply of positive motivation, employees’ evaluation, providing compensation to get better performance.
IV.        Maintenance
It is the last process of human resource management system’s process. It maintains the good working environment by the application of quality work life, good relationship among the employees, working groups, and mutual trust between employees and management.
C.   Output
Output is the last step or component of human resource management system. It indicates the result of inputs and processes. There are two types of outcome i.e. employees related outcomes and organization related outcomes.
a.   Employees related outcomes:
ü Employees’ satisfaction
ü Low turnover
ü Individual development
ü Increase in efficiency
ü Commitment
b.   Organization related outcomes:
ü Productivity
ü Profit maximization
ü Goal achievement
ü Growth and development, etc.
D.  Feedback
Feedback is the response of the concerned person or organization. It provides clear information about the effectiveness of human resource management system and also provides the corrective action for the better human resource management, etc.
Outcomes of human resource management
Human resource management is the part of total management. It gives the priority to select the right candidates for the right job at the right time. Similarly, it focuses to make the employees more skilled and confident to increase the organizational productivity. Better human resource management facilitates for employees’ satisfaction, mutual relation between manager and employees as well as the betterment of the organization. The following are the major outcomes of human resource management.
1) Quality work life:
Quality work life is the good working environment or favourable situation to the employees. It refers to the quality of relationship between employees and working environment. Employees should feel mentally and physically comfortable to contribute their effort. Quality work life includes the following factors:
a)  Autonomous:
Autonomous refers to the freedom to employees to utilize their skill knowledge and experience while performing the job. In some cases, employees may be more qualified and talent than supervisor or manager. At that condition, employees should get freedom.
b) Recognition:
Recognition is the individual or group identification. Best contributor, creative employees should get proper recognition like reward, promotion, cash award to utilize their effort in the future.
c)  Belongingness:
Belongingness refers to the mutual relation and co-operation among the working groups, between management and employees. Employees from top level to lower level should feel the whole organization is family and they are the members of the organization.
d) Intrinsic reward:
Intrinsic rewards also maintain the good working environment. It is a positive motivational factor. Employees should be encouraged for their assigned job with proper responsibility. It includes self- respect, proud for achievement, etc.
e)  Extrinsic reward:
Extrinsic reward refers to the financial and non-financial incentives like cash award, increment of salary, providing bonus, allowances, etc. Non-financial extrinsic rewards include merit certificate, recognition, promotion, etc.
2) Productivity:
Productivity is another outcome of human resource management. Because of the effective human resource management system increases the organizational productivity for the increment of employees as well as organizational productivity. The following components should be considered.
a)  Technology
To support the human resource, organization should apply the advanced or latest technology like automatic machinery and equipments, new management system, procedure, etc that help to improve the employees’ efficiency.
b) Innovation:
Innovation refers to the creation of new thing and techniques. For this purpose, management should create proper environment that working groups or employees generate new ideas, new techniques to perform the job in effective and scientific manner.
c)  Learning:
To increase the organizational productivity, there should be learning environment in the organization. Employees can learn from the behaviour of senior, training, seminar, workshop, etc.
d) Motivation
Positive motivations like reward, encouragement, promotion, etc help to increase the employees’ ability, willingness effectiveness while performing job.
3) Readiness to change:
Organizational environment changes frequently. External environment is the powerful force that cannot be controlled by organization but it has to change its system and activities with changing external environment. If employees are well-satisfied or motivated, trained, they can adopt the changing situation or environment. The following factors should be considered for the effective readiness to change.
          ·          Assignment of job / Allocation of job on the basis of right person to the right position.
          ·          Providing encouragement and guidelines.
          ·          The provision of on the job and off the job training.
          ·          Providing financial and non-financial reward or incentives.
Sometimes employees may resist changing:
                                  ·          Fear of unknown
                                  ·          Security
                                  ·          Habit
                                  ·          Lack of motivation
                                  ·          Vested interest
Challenges of Human resource management
Contemporary issue of Human resource management
1.   Globalization
Globalization is one of the Contemporary issues of Human resource management field. Because of the development in transportation, free movement of people in the different countries, communication, network, etc contribute for the easily excession in the different countries. There is demand of qualified skilled, employees in the global market. Working employees may not be able to give the continuity in the same organization and country.
2.   Complexities
At present, there is developing trend in human resource management field to include the different types of employees on the basis of the agreement or provision that creates the big challenge in human resource management. Similarly, because of the large organization a number of employees involve in the different department or activities. They may have different culture interest and social values that also creates the complexity in human resource management.
3.   Technological change
Technological development is the continuous process. It is not rigid, therefore human resource management is facing the technological problems or challenges for the application of advanced machinery and equipments, system and procedure while performing job.
4.   Work force diversity
Because of Globalization concept, employees may hire from the different places as well as countries. Specially, Multinational Company hires large number of workers from the different places or countries. Similarly, there may be involvement of different levels of employees having different culture, gender, age group, etc. This is also one of the major challenges in human resource management.
5.   New Human resource management concern
At present, people are aware about their rights, duties and responsibilities. In the similar manner, employees have their own union, therefore they are aware and concern about working environment. Because of development in transportation, communication, or globalization, managers are also aware about human resource management. New human resource management concern may be the great challenge to the traditional types of organisation.
6.   Learning organisation
Learning is the regular process of organisation. It brings positive change in the organization. Manager should learn from the past and outsiders. Modern human resource manager should be updated about development in technology, new human resource management concern, employees’ behaviour, etc.
Managers, who are not able to learn the present situation and modified their traditional activities, it may be the great challenge to them.
7.   Management change

At present, there are different research, experiment, and development in management. Contingency theory focuses to change the organizational factors, management system with changing situation. An appropriate system of today may not be suitable for the future; therefore, modern manager should change the management system with considering the situation.


Human resource management planning is the part of management function. Human resource management planning is directly concerned with plan of human resource from the top level to lower level. Planning indicates the future activities like what to do, when to do, how to do, etc to perform the activities towards the goal. Human resource management planning is the thinking in advance about the required number of employees at the right place or job at the right time. It can be defined as the part of acquisition function of human resource management.
    According to Robbins and Decenzo, “Human resource planning is the process of determining an organization human resource needs”
      Human resource planning is the part of human resource management. It is concerned with the proper number of employees to the particular levels having certain qualification, skill and experience. Human resource planning performs the acquisition function of human resource management like encourage the candidates for the application, recruitment, selection, training, and placement. It is future oriented activity that concerned with the achievement of organizational goal.
Characteristics of Human resource planning:
1.   Starting point of human resource management:
2.   Goal oriented:
Human resource planning is directed towards achieving human resource goals as well as overall organizational goals.
3.   Quantitative and qualitative:

4.   Related to future:
Human resource planning estimates the size composition of future work force. It involves forecasting.
5.   System oriented:
Human resource planning matches demand and supply forecasts to determine future human resource shortages or surpluses. Action plans are prepared to fulfill human resource gaps.
6.   Time horizon:
Human resource planning can be short or long term. It has a time table where short term is one year similarly long term is 5 or above 5 years.
7.   Part of corporate plan:
Human resource planning can be formulated at strategic, tactical and operational levels. It follows from corporate planning.
8.   Part of acquisition function:
Human resource planning is concerned with the acquisition function of human resource management. It is the starting point of human resource management.
Importance of human resource planning:
1.   Minimizes uncertainties:
Human resource planning reduces uncertainty by predetermining future human resource requirements. It matches demand and supply forecasts to determine future shortages or surpluses of human resource.
2.   Utilization of resources:
3.   Motivation to employees
4.   Social achievement
5.   Environmental adaptation
6.   Improved labour relation:
Human resource planning promotes awareness about the importance of human resources at all levels of organization. This ensures commitment of managers to human resource goals.
7.   Effective control
8.   Promotes awareness of human resources
Human Resource Strategy
Human resource strategy is the comprehensive human resource plan. It is also called action-oriented plan of human resources. It is concerned with the vision, mission, and objectives of organization. Human resource plan just provides guideline for the future activities. Human resource strategy explains about result-oriented actions, opportunities, problems or challenges.
    In other words, Human resource strategy is the outcomes of environmental scanning, and SWOT Analysis about human resource. It identifies required number of employees with proper qualification, experience, benefits from employees and challenges.
   At present, organization should develop human resource strategy to utilize other resources like machinery and equipments, finance, information, etc. It provides clear guidelines with activities for the optimum utilization of human resources. It includes acquisition related activities. Therefore, human resource plan is the general form of strategic plan.
Relation of
Human Resource Strategy
Human Resource Plan
Human resource strategy is prepared with considering the vision, mission of the organization.
Therefore, it is also known as corporate action-oriented plan. It has long term impact in the organization. On the basis of strategy (Corporate plan), other plans are prepared for the different section or departments. Human resource strategy explains the proper number of employees, their strength, weakness, potentialities (opportunity), or challenges (threats). Human resource plan provides guidelines for the future. The following factors show the relationship between human resource strategy and human resource plan.
1.   Follower Relation:
Human resource strategy is more comprehensive. It is prepared by top level management. It includes some specific activities like identification of required number of employees forecasting of demand and supply, inventory, job design, etc.
     Human resource plan is a part of strategic plan. It includes some activities of corporate human resource plan. It is the just general form of strategic plan. Therefore, we can conclude that, human resource plan is a follower of human resource strategic plan.
2.   Partner Relation:
Human resource plan is directly concerned with the corporate plans without proper planning and utilization of human resource plan and their utilization of other resources cannot be utilized. It is not just a follower; it plays the equal role as partner to achieve the organizational goal. Strategic plan identifies all possibilities like proper required number of employees from top level to lower level. With proper skill, qualification, training, experience towards for the effective performance of organization.     Human resource plan directly support to the strategy by forecasting demand and supply of right number of employees at the right section or department at the right time.
1.   Top down approach:
Top down approach is the traditional approach. It is also called management driven (Oriented) approach of human resource planning. It focuses the number of human resource from top level to lower level. Therefore, it is also known as number game of human resources management. It identifies the required number of employees, shortage and surplus.
     Top down approach is based on the following perspective:
Ø Human resource information system
Ø Human resource inventory
Ø Demand and forecasting technique
Ø Trend Analysis
Ø Mathematical model
2.   Bottom up approach:
Bottom up approach is just opposite approach of human resource planning. It is employees’ oriented approach. It gives the first priority to human resources / employees rather than management. It explains or advocates the side of employees. It is also known as soft approach to human resource.
     This approach is based on the following perspective:
Ø Organizational needs with human resource needs
Ø Employees’ training and development
Ø Employees’ incentives, safety and welfare
Ø Motivational factor like promotion, encouragement rewards etc.
Ø Job security and quality work life
3.   Mixed approach:
Mixed approach is the combined form of top down and bottom up approach of human resource planning. This is also called balanced approach. It tries to make a balance between management as well as employees’ interest. It believes that without mutual relationship between management and employees an organization cannot achieve the goal.
Human resource planning process
 Human resource planning is a distinct process. It is deciding in advance about human resource from top level to lower level. An effective planning process helps to identify the required number of employees, source of supplying and matching demand and supply and implement in the practical field. Human resource planning process involves the following steps.
1.   Assessing current human resource
It is the first step of human resource planning process.
 In this step of human resource manager collect the information about the number of working employees from top level to lower level. In this step, employees qualification, experience, skills of employees also identify with considering the organizational objective, internal and external environment, SWOT also identified before the formulation of human resource plan.
2.   Demand forecast
 After collecting information about existing employees, human resource management should identify the demand of employees for the future. While forecasting the employees' demand management, experts group should study about employees’ turnover, retirement, resignation, death, etc before identification of the proper number of demand of employees for the future. In this step human resource manager forecast the number of employees in the particular section or department having different qualification, experience and knowledge. This step is also called inventory forecasting.
3.   Supply forecast
After the demand forecasting, supply forecast including experts, representatives of middle and lower level management. Human resource manager identifies the source of employees to supply them on the basis of demand. There are two sources to supply the employees’ i.e. internal and external source. Sometimes human resource manager make a plan to supply the employees from educational institution, training center or human resource agency, ex-employees, etc.
4.   Matching between demand and supply forecasting
After the forecasting of demand and supply of employees, human resource department compare and match the proper number of demand and supply. If internal source is sufficient to fulfill the demand of particular department or branch then it doesn't go for external source to supply the employees. Otherwise, it has to make a human resource plan to supply from the open competition, educational institutions, training center, etc.
5.   Preparation of action plans
In this step human resource management manager makes action-oriented plans for the future to fulfill the requirement of organization. While preparing action-oriented human resource plan, it performs some activities like recruitment, selection, training, promotion, development, management development, etc.
*    What is a demand forecasting and supply forecasting technique?
*    Supply forecasting techniques are:
v Replacement chart
v Succession plan
v Management judgement
v Computer simulation
v Statistical techniques, etc.
Methods / techniques of determining human resource requirement
1.   Managerial judgement:
Top level management along with human resource manager identifies the requirement of employees in the different departments, branches or job. It is traditional and more practicable technique to determine the number of employees having different knowledge experience, training, etc. In this technique, senior authorities study about employees’ roster, nature of job and future requirements.
2.   Experts’ opinions:
Sometimes, an organization can apply the experts’ opinion technique to identify the requirement of employees turnover trend, past data, psychology, facilities provided by organization, etc. they can apply different method to identify the employees requirement which are as follows:
    i.        Survey Technique:
Survey technique is more reliable and direct observation technique to identify the requirement of employees. Research visit in the particular department working place and collect the data and information by asking the questions or taking interview of concerned person.
  ii.        Delphi Technique:
Delphi technique is another method to identify the requirement of human resource for the future. In this technique, more information is collected from the concerned persons, groups, experts, professional, etc. On the basis of the suggestion and opinions of advisors the proper number of employees having certain qualification experience training, etc are determined to fulfill the requirement of organization.
iii.        Nominal group decision:
Sometimes, organizations can apply the nominal group decision technique to determine the employees’ requirement. In this technique, an organization forms a group to study about working employees their appointment, retirement, training, etc and identify the requirement or demand of employees for the present and future.
3.   Statistical Techniques
Statistical techniques based on the statistical tools and mathematical calculation. It can provide clear information about demand and supply forecasting information. Under this technique some methods can be applied:
    i.        Ratio trend Technique:
In this statistical technique, human resource department analyze the record of employees and calculate the ratio of retirement, turn over, promotion, etc. This method can provide exact information or data to forecast for the future requirement of employees.
  ii.        Match between work and human resource /Employees:
In this technique, human resource department can calculate the employees’ requirement on the basis of the different works to be performed. In this statistical technique, different activities of the departments or branches are identified and try to match between work and number of employees.

Human resource inventory (skills inventory)

Human resource inventory is also called skill inventory of existing employees. It not only calculates the number of employees, it also focuses qualification, knowledge, experience and potentialities of employees. Human resource inventory deals with the total number of employees from top level to lower level. In the similar manner, it identifies their varieties knowledge, talent, work experience as assets. Human resource Inventory helps to provide proper skill while performing the particular job that facilitates to fulfill the requirement of organization.
The following information can be obtained through the employee or human resource inventories.
1)    Name of employees with age/ sex/ marital status
2)    Academic qualification
3)    Training of employees
4)    Experience in related job
5)    Current position of employees
6)    Performance rating
7)    Salary / remuneration
8)    Language skill
9)    Capability of employees
10)                       Specialized skill
11)                       Preferred work location

Benefits of human resource inventory

1.     Skill assessment
2.     Useful for human resource planning
3.     Effective utilization of resources
4.     Helpful in organization
5.     Identification of skill deficiency

Human resource information system

To formulate the human resource plan, it needs sufficient information, data, and facts about working employees as well as their skills. Human resource information system focus for the collection and store of human resource related information for the future. It is the act of collecting reliable human resource information from internal and external source, analyze them and store to formulate the effective human resource plan. Human resource information system is the main source of human resource inventory. Without proper information about human resource different departments or branches cannot formulate the divisional plans and policies for the future. Therefore it includes the information about job and employees’ related information.
Contents of human resource information system
A.  Personal data
Personal data includes name and address of working employees with date of birth, marital status, hobbies, performance, etc.
B.  Skilled data
Skilled data includes educational qualification, training, experience, language spoken and other specific skills.
C.   Position data
Position data includes the current position or post of employees, their duties, occupational history, and working location.
D.  Remuneration data
Remuneration data includes current salary, the salary history or remuneration payment of bonus, overtime facilities, deductions from salary like tax, provident fund, citizen investment trust, insurance premium, etc.
E.   Performance data
Job performance data are very important information to formulate the human resource planning. It includes past and present information about job performance. It also shows the progress or degrading of performance of employees.
Use/Significance of human resource information system
1.     Human resource information system is more useful for the development of human resource by formulating new plans and policies, providing job related training to the employees, management development to the manager, CEO, directors, etc.
2.     Human resource information system is more important to forecast demand and supply of employees. It helps to collect the reliable information about working employees, demand in the different and supply from the internal and external source.
3.     Human resource information system plays the significantly role for the succession plans and policies, conducting skill development programs, training, workshop, seminar, etc.
4.     Human resource information system also provides clear information about different types of job have to be performed by the different person having specific skills, knowledge and ideas. It makes balance between working activities and required skills.
Human resource succession plan:
Human resource succession plan is also called management or manager’s plan. Such types of plan are prepared to fulfill the vacant post of top and middle level managers. Sometimes there may be the vacant post as director, general manager, CEO, chair person, production or marketing manager, etc. Organization should give the first priority for the internal promotion for the higher post, therefore succession planning is the act of making list of working potential right candidates so that they can be promoted for the higher post and they are also able to fulfill the managerial requirement.
        Human resource succession plan is the part of human resource inventory. It is directly concerned with some well qualified, experienced, working person, they are fit for the higher post. It forecast the demand and supply of managerial post.
Methods of succession plan to fulfill the managerial post:
1.   Provision of managerial training
2.   Special Assignment
3.   Job rotation
4.   Understudy assignment
5.   Other methods
Benefits of succession plan:
1.   Right candidate can be promoted for the right job or post at the right time:
2.   Continuity of managerial activities:
3.   Career development of subordinates:
4.   Talent management:
5.   Positive motivation to the honest and capable person:
6.   Minimize the administrative cost:
Human resources planning in Nepalese organization:
Human resources planning in Nepalese organizations are very traditional. There is no application of modern human resource planning for the effectiveness of organizational activities. In private organization, owners, their family members and relative are playing the managerial role as director, chairman, branch managers, co-coordinator, etc. In the government organization, there is no proper human resource planning, employees are influence by politics. In some organization especially in Kathmandu valley, city area most of the organization, public enterprises are suffering from over-staffing, but in remote area there is lack of sufficient employees to run government organization. The major salient features of Human resources planning in Nepalese organization are as follows:
1.   Traditional human resource planning:
Most of the Nepalese organizations are following traditional human resource planning. It is based on personnel management or staffing only. There is no long term vision, mission and strategy in human resource. Organizations are giving the priority to the number rather than skills or performance. Employees also do not like to face competition, responsibilities.
2.   Lack of assessing current human resource planning:
Most of the government organization, public enterprises have no current human resource inventory, human resource information system, human resource succession plan, etc. After the appointment of employees there is no further career development program identification of employees’ potential, maintaining record of employees’ skills, talent, and proper demand and supply forecasting.
3.   Lack of demand:
There is lacking of demand forecasting planning system in Nepalese organization. There is no clear and complete information data about existing employees with proper qualification, experience, skills, their retirement data and future requirement. Because of the lack of demand forecasting human resource department is not able to fulfill the vacant post at the right time.
4.   Lack of supply forecasting:
Most of the Nepalese organizations are suffering from poor supply forecasting. There is no proper plan to supply the required employees for the vacant post. There is no clear vision and strategy to supply right candidates from internal and external sources.
5.   Lack of matching demand and supply:
There is no proper matching policy in fulfillment of demand through proper supply of employees. Organizations of remote areas are facing the problem of under-staffing. There is demand of well trained qualified employees but there is no supply of such candidates but in Kathmandu valley or city area there is problem of over-staffing. In public enterprises there is crowded of employees.
6.   Government interference:
Most of the public enterprises like Nepal Electricity Authority, Tele-communication and other government organization are facing the problem of government interference while hiring the employees. Most of the political workers are involving as employees. After changing government, policy will be change and new staff will be appointed.
7.   Lack of human resource plan in private organization:
Most of the private organization in Nepal, there is no human resource plan. Owners play the role of director, chairperson, managers, etc and their family members relatives are working as employees. There is no policy of free competition for right place and post. Most of private organizations are not giving the priority of employees’ interest and facilities they are job oriented.

                   Above mention points are the main feature of Nepalese organization. Nowadays, government as well as private organizations are starting to make human resource plan. Some organizations are launching the employees training, workshop program. There is developing concept of human resource is an important part of an organization for its success.


Job design refers to the specification or identification of different task to be completed for the particular job. Organizations establish with certain objectives to achieve them organization should perform the various nature of job. Different employees perform different types of job on the basis of the position or post and nature. Job design is the act of identifying the different works or activities that are required to complete particular job.
    Job design also involves the employees’ qualification experience, knowledge, ideas, etc to perform the assigned job confidently that facilitates to increase the organizational productivity and maintain the quality work life.
According to Robbins and Decenzo, “Job design is the way in which job task are organized into a unit of work.”
Job design is an important part of human resource management. It makes the job more effective and productive. Proper job design identifies the different activities or task which are required to complete a particular job. Job design may differ from the position, post or the nature of activities that helps to complete the particular job and increasing work efficiency and satisfaction to the employees.
    Benefits of Job design:
1.   Increase productivity:
Proper job design helps to increase the work efficiency of employees as well as productivity of an organization. In proper job design, required task or activities are identified. Similarly, it suggests right person having proper qualification, skill and experience that directly and indirectly helps to increase the organizational productivity.
2.   Employees’ motivation:
Proper job design focus for to perform the required activities as well as employees’ motivation. The main objective of job design is how to complete the particular job with employees’ satisfaction. Therefore job design also includes the employees’ motivation like reward, encouragement, participation and other incentives.
3.   Quality work life:
Quality work life refers to the physically and mentally favorable situation or condition while performing the job. Physically, employees should feel safe from the accident, job security, facility of medical insurance allowances etc. in the similar manner; employees should feel good working environment, mutual relation and cooperation among the working members, groups and management.
4.   Job satisfaction:
Proper job design facilitates for the employees’ satisfaction while allocating the job to the person, management consider the employees’ work load, their skill, qualification, knowledge, interest, etc. Employees should perform the job on the basis of their position or post. They can complete the assigned job within certain time confidently that gives the employees satisfaction.
5.   Labor relation:
Labor relation refers to the mutual cooperation, coordination among the members, groups, as well as employees and management. Proper job design identifies the link between senior and junior working groups, responsibility of top level and lower level. Such factors contribute to maintain good labor relation.
6.   Person-Job-Fit:
Proper job design provides the benefits as Person-Job-Fit concept. At first, human resource management identifies the required activities are to be performed under the particular job and allocate the human resource on the basis of the requirement right candidates are appointed to job-fit.
7.   Need balance:
Job design balances the needs of organization with the needs of the individual employee. This facilitates achievement of organizational goals.
Approaches / Methods of job design:
     There are different approaches in job design. The main objectives of job design is selection of co-related activities and keep under the particular job, but different views regarding job design which can be explained as follows:
1.   Classical / Traditional approaches:
Traditional approach to job design is based on narrow concept or bias to the employees. F.W. Taylor, called the father of the scientific management theory, suggested proper division of work, functional foreman-ship, differentiate payment system, scientific selection and training of employees, etc. all principles or assumptions have given more priority to the job and betterment of organization but it has neglected the human behavior, motivation, reward, encouragement, etc. it is fully one sided to the organization. Under this traditional approach, the following methods are applied.
    i.        Work simplification / Division of labor:
In this method, a total job is divided into the different parts and assigned to the different person. It is also called division of labor. It helps to maximize the production or output. According to this method, the total number of employees and their individual work will be less than the proper division of work and their aggregate.
  ii.        Job rotation:
Job rotation method also has given more priority to the job. It focuses to minimize the fatigue, monotonous, or boredom there should be job rotation. It means the act of shifting the person from one job to another job or place or time, that increase employees’ working efficiency as well as organization productivity.
iii.        Job enlargement:
Job enlargement refers to the wider in job or adding some other job to make that complete and attractive that helps to create the newness, comprehensive and challenging job to the employees. This is also based on traditional concept and given more priority to the job. In this method, some training guidelines, workshop, etc programmes are conducted to perform the job confidently within the time.
2.   Open-Socio Technical approaches:
This is an advanced and modified approach than traditional approach. It is not bias to the employees’ feelings, rewards, encouragement, etc. while designing the job human resource department or experts group consider the qualification, experience, knowledge, employees’ interest, workload, motivation, etc. the main objective of this approach is making job more comfortable, easier and attractive.
3.   Behavioural approaches to job design:
Behavioural approaches to job design are an advanced and modified form of Open-Socio Technical approaches. This approach has given more priority to the employees; behaviour. This theory has identified the feelings, demand, psychology, mutual coordination, motivation and its impact while performing the job. Behavioural approaches to job design have included the following sub-methods:
    i.        Job enrichment:
In this method, jobs are designed by including some activities of higher post or level. Job enrichment is the act of adding or expanding the work under the particular job. According to this method, employees perform their job with some encouragement or motivation. They will get the chance to learn and practice the activities of higher level.
  This method facilitates for the encouragement in work, positive motivation, link between junior and senior but it creates the problem of work load, confusion, inferior or low quality in work.
  ii.        Job characteristics method:
In this method, groups of expert and human resource department identify the particular characteristics or natures of activities. On the basis of difficulty, sensitivity, simplicity, time duration, etc some works or activities are included under the particular job.
      This method focuses the internal motivation and job satisfaction of employees, organizational commitment and quality in work. This method identifies the nature of work and employees’ interest and qualification, internal motivation but it creates the confusion to identify the job characteristics and required skill.
iii.        Modified work schedule method, etc:
In this method, on the basis of time and situation working period, plan, and nature of urgency in work the job schedule can be modified:
    i.        Shorter work week:
In this method, total working hours are identified and make shorter work week. For example: Six days working  can be converted into four days by adding working hours and three days can be leisure.
  ii.        Flex time:
In this method, total working hour per day are identified and according to the employees’ interest and suitable time. They can change some hours at the evening and morning. Who came earlier they can go earlier and vice-versa. But pick hour cannot be changed.
iii.        Job sharing:
In this method, the total job or working hour can be shared by two or more persons. Sometimes in place of one person another person can perform the particular job.
 iv.        Homework:
In this method, some work can be performed at home. Employees should not stay whole official hour in the office, some partial work can be taken and completed at home. Generally, marketing research, accounting and computer related job can be performed at home.
Job analysis:
An organization should perform the different types of job from top level to lower level in the different time. Some jobs are complex. Job analysis is the act of collecting required information and identifying the procedure or steps of activities so that the particular job can be performed in the systematic and scientific manner or way. It also identifies the right person to complete the particular job. In other words, job analysis indicates the proper qualification, experience, knowledge, training, etc on the basis of nature of job. In this regard, some scholars have given their definition about job analysis.
        According to Robbins and Decenzo, “Job analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities within a job. It is the basic technical procedure one that is used to define the duties, responsibilities and accountability of a job.”
                    According to Edwin Flippo, “Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operation and responsibilities of a specific job.”
Job analysis is the act of gathering or collecting, analyzing and recording information about the different activities which are to be formed in a particular job. It also identifies the required qualification, skill, training, duty, responsibility and accountability of employees. It increases the work efficiency and productivity of employees and organization.
Hence this information is received from job analysis:
ü What type of job is that?
ü What are the significant characteristics?
ü What a worker does?
ü How a worker does?
ü What aids are necessary?
ü What is accomplished?
ü What skills and abilities are required?
ü What is job relationship?
Purposes of Job analysis:
Job analysis is the way of defining procedure to perform the different activities. It provides the systematic way or guidelines to complete the job in the systematic order. The main objective of job analysis is to complete the particular job within the certain period. The following are some purpose of job analysis:
1)    To make a job more effective, systematic and economic.
2)    To maintain mutual relation and coordination between the different job and working groups.
3)    To maintain mutual relation and coordination while changing the job or introducing new types of job and activities.
4)    To maintain the job standard and quality.
5)    To identify the possible problems or difficulties while performing the job.
6)    To identify the proper qualification, experience, training of employees to complete the particular job.
Methods of collecting information:
Job analysis is the act of collecting information about the nature of job related activities and requirement of employees, skill, knowledge, training, experience, etc. while collecting information for job analysis the following methods can be applied:
    i.        Observation method:
It is simple, economic and reliable method of collecting information. In this method, researcher or concern person or authorized level directly observed the activities performed by employees. Generally, it observes some activities like way of performing job, style, process, quantity, cost, time, quality, etc. at present such information can be collected through video camera or film.
                     As we know that it is simple, economic method of information collection but employees or workers can change their style, speed if there is pre-information about observation.
  ii.        Interview method:
Interview is another method to collect the information for job analysis. In this method, researchers or experts prepared the questionnaire and distributed to the related workers, observers and collect the information through oral interview sometimes concern person or authority directly ask the different questions to the concern person.
 This method is more reliable source to collect the information. In this method, the facts from the working groups can be collected. Sometimes an interview can be conducted individually or in group.
iii.        Diary method:
Diary method is another method or technique to collect the information. In this method, diary maintained by employees or supervisors are studied. It is also called the log books of employees. In the diary or log book the nature of job, problems faced by employees, different activities are mentioned. This method is very easy to collect the information but there may be doubt it’s authentic, employees’ honesty, etc.
 iv.        Technical Conference method:
Technical Conference is the practical based method. In this method, a group of experts or the related job provides the orientation about job and display about working procedures, techniques and other ideas while performing the job. The concern authority collects the information from such experts, groups or professionals.
   v.        Questionnaire method:
Questionnaire method is more reliable method to collect the information. At first, some questions related to the job are identified and send to the workers and concern person to answer the questions, there is no compulsion to write the name on the questionnaire therefore, employees can write their feelings, problems easily, but it takes some times.
Job analysis technique:

Generally, there are two techniques of job analysis i.e. Job-focus technique and Employees focus technique.
1.   Job focused technique:
Job-focus techniques are directly concerned with the different types of job of the organization. Such techniques suggest how to complete the particular job within the certain time or period. Some Job-focus techniques are explained as follows:
a.   Functional job analysis technique:
This technique was developed by U.S. department of labor. It emphasizes the task or activities that have to be completed in time. Under this technique, some techniques can be applied like:
Ø Workers’ function: it includes relation to the activities, people and working hours.
Ø Workers’ field: it includes the working area or place along with machinery and equipment, tools required to complete the job.
Ø Workers’ product: it provides the ideas or techniques what products and how to produce by using raw materials or semi-finished goods.
Ø Workers’ traits: Workers’ traits include training, experience, interest, aptitudes, etc.
b.   Method analysis:
Method analysis is also a job focus techniques. This provides some ideas how to do the required task or job effectively and efficiently. Generally, this method is more applicable to non- managerial activities. Method analysis suggests the following techniques:
        i.            Balancing moments of two hands
      ii.            Reduction of muscular effort
    iii.            Doing productive work without idle time
   iv.            Location and positional tools and material for grasping
     v.            Illumination, height, space, arrangement at work, etc
c.   The Hay plan:
This is also one of the job focus technique to the job analysis process. It suggests better plan and preparation before starting the job. The information is collected about:
·        Objective of the job
·        Dimensions of the job
·        Nature or scope of managerial position
·        Accountability
·        Supporting staff needs
·        Technical managerial and human relation required
·        Nature of control and supervisory requirements
2.   People focused technique:
People focused techniques of job analysis are related to the employees. Such techniques are based on interviews of workers, supervisors to collect the information and identify the job behavior and the nature of job. Some important techniques that can be applied for the job analysis are:
a)  Position Analysis Questionnaire (P A Q)
This technique was developed by Professor McCormick. It has given the more priority to human being as well as task and technological factors. In this technique, the total 194 items are divided into 6 categories which are as follows:
Information input: it explains where and how workers collect the information to do the job.
 Mental processes: it indicates planning, decision making, reasoning involve in the job.
Work output: physical activities as well as tools or devices used
 Relationship: interpersonal relationship among the working members.
Job context: physical working condition of the job and employees reaction to them.
Other job characteristics: work schedules or routine, work responsibilities, etc.
b) Critical Incident Techniques:
This technique focuses on work being done. It includes collecting written description of effective or ineffective workers’ behavior. Critical incident techniques provide valuable suggestion about time consuming period unusual workers’ behavior and workers’ relationship.

In conclusion: Human resource management should give the equal priority to both job and people focus techniques but it cannot be suggested for the particular techniques for the particular job analysis that depends upon the time and situation of organisation and required job.

Job Description, Job Specification and Job Evaluation:

A.    Job Description:
Job description is the overall written summary or statement that explains about the different task to be performed in a particular job. It is also called the profile of a job. It clearly indicates the nature and types of activities, duties and responsibilities of the workers. It provides clear information about what types of job to be performed, when such types of job to be completed, what types of other necessary resources are required. Therefore, it can be considered as the standard of the job. Generally, Job description contains the following information.
        i.            The title and level of job
      ii.            Location of job
    iii.            Responsibility
   iv.            Job summary
     v.            Duties and accountability, etc.

Position:  Accountant (officer)
Location:  Kathmandu
Responsibility: Keeping account of financial transaction of..... accurately
Accountability: Maintenance of up to date financial reports of
For example:

B.    Job Specification:
Job specification is an overall written statement or summary of workers’ requirement. Job specification is done after the job description it is also called the profile of human characteristics required for performing specific job. It also explains about what kinds of employees having knowledge, experience, training, and skills are required to complete the specific job. It also explains about the minimum qualification and other basic requirement of employees. Generally, job specification includes the following information.
        i.            Education and training provided by institution, college and university
      ii.            Work experience in previous year and nature of job
    iii.            Physical fitness like good health. Mental ability, etc
   iv.            Skills in communication, computer, driving ,etc
     v.            Maturity in taking decision, judgement, decision making, etc.
C.     Job Evaluation:
Job evaluation is the last step it is done after the job description and job specification. Evaluation refers to the performing job is being satisfactory or not. It is performing as per standard or not. Job evaluation is helpful tool for the promotion of employees, increment of salary or remuneration, providing financial and non-financial rewards, etc.

Chapter  Recruitment, selection, and socialization


Recruitment is the part of acquisition function of human resource management. It brings together both employer and employees. Recruitment is the process of attracting and encouraging the well-trained, qualified, skilled candidates to apply the vacant post for the job. In this function, human resource management identifies the required number of employees in the different department, position or post. Then, announce the vacancy for the required post with mentioning attractive salary, incentives, or attraction. Therefore, recruitment can be considered as the attracting technique to apply the vacant post by right candidates.
According to Edward Flippo,” Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the job.”
According to Robbins and Decenzo,” Recruitment is the process of discovering, potential job candidates.”
With considering above definition we can conclude that, Recruitment is the act of attracting and stimulating the well-trained, qualified, skill candidates so that, willingly they are ready to drop the application for the vacant post of organization.

Sources of Recruitment:

There are two reliable sources for the recruitment of right candidate i.e. internal and external source.
A.    Internal source:
They involve recruiting from within the organization.
    i.        Promotion from within organization:
  ii.        Transfer:
iii.        Rehire:
 iv.        Job rotation:

Advantages of Internal source:

1.     Better selection:
2.     Morale building:
3.     Human resource development:
4.     Cost effective:
5.     Commitment:

Disadvantages of Internal source:

1.     Possibility of limited choice:
2.     Limited opportunity:
3.     Possibility of biasness:
4.     Possibility of conflict:

B.    External source:
    i.        Institutions, college or university:
  ii.        Professional association:
iii.        Private employment agency:
 iv.        Trade unions:
   v.        Unsolicited applications:
 vi.        Employment exchange:

Advantages of external source:

1.     Possibility of qualitative human resource:
2.     Fairness in recruitment:
3.     Environmental adaptation:
4.     Growth and development:

Disadvantages of external source:

1.     High cost:
2.     Lengthy process:
3.     Adaptability problem:
4.     Possibility of wrong selection:
5.     Poor employees’ morale:

Recruitment method:

A.    Internal Recruitment method:
    I.        Job posting:
Job posting is the internal method for the recruitment of right candidates to the particular job. In this method, a notice is announced only for the working or existing employees having required skill, knowledge, training etc. for the job posting. Required position or post, location, salary scale, qualification etc. are clearly mentioned for the effective job posting, vacancy can be announced in:
·        Bulletin Board
·        News letter / Newspaper
·        Circular
·        Electronic mail
 II.        Employees’ referral:
Employees’ referral is another internal method for the recruitment. Referral is the act of nominating candidates by supervisor or department heads for the vacant post. A written recommendation letter is forwarded by concerned supervisor or department heads to human resource department with considering candidates’ qualification, work experience, position or post human resource department can recruit the right candidates.
III.        Human resource inventory search:
Human resource inventory refers to the collection and recording of information about individual records as well as their training, work experience and their potentialities. Human resource inventory provides the information about:
a.     Personal detail: Name, address, age, gender, etc
b.     Educational or professional qualification
c.      Training and special skill for the job
d.     Performance rating
e.     Language spoken
f.       Job location preference
g.     Capabilities, etc.
B.    External Recruitment method:
If organization is not sufficient or able to recruit the required candidates from internal method, then organization can apply the different external method for the recruitment of candidates for the vacant post. The following external methods can be applied to fulfil the requirement of employees.
    I.        Advertising:
Advertisement is the common method for the recruitment of right candidates for advertising print media like  "Gorkhapatra", "Kathmandu post", etc. visual like poster and audio visual like television.
 II.        Educational institution placement:
Sometimes, human resource department can recruit the right candidates directly from the educational institution like college, university, training centre, professional association, etc.
III.        Employees’ referral:
In some organisation, some candidates can recruit as recommendation given by working employees, supervisor, chief executive, etc. it may be reliable external method for the recruitment.
IV.        Internet search:
Modern organisation having modern information and technology can search in the Internet and issue a notice for vacancy announcement. Mostly overseas company and developed country use this method for the recruitment.
  V.        Contract:
Sometimes required candidates can be hired on the basis of contract. It may be job completion contract or period completion contract. After the completion of job or time, they will be automatically retired.


Selection is the act of choosing right candidates among the applicants. It is very important function of human resource management. All applicants may not be equally competent or qualified to the different nature of activities. Therefore, on the basis of nature of job, qualification, experience required number of candidates; right candidates will be selected. It is an important decision making regarding the human resource management. Some writers have given their definition on selection.
According to Robbins and Decenzo, “The primary propose of selection activities is to predict which job applicants will be successful, if hire.”
 According to Mondy and Neo, “Selection is the process of choosing among the people who apply for work with an organization.”
According to T.N. Chhabra, “Selection involves a series of steps by the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable person for the vacant post.”
In conclusion, Selection is the act of choosing best candidates among the applicants for the particular job or department. The proper selection of candidates determines the effective performance of the organization. In the selection process the proper system the view of experts and professionals should be considered.
Selection process:
Selection function starts from the acceptance of applications and will end after the placement of right candidates to the right job. All activities or steps from acceptance of application to placement are considered as the proper process or steps in selection.
1.     Acceptance of application:
Acceptance of application form is the first step of selection process after the recruitment. Candidates drop the applications by mentioning required information like personal background that is accepted by organization. The application includes:
Ø Name, address, age, data, etc.
Ø Academic qualification
Ø Work experience, work in previous organization
Ø Expected salary: present salary and expected from new organization
Ø Preference: Name and address reputed personality their contact number.
2.     Initial screening:
After the acceptance of application form, concern department should examine and analyze the application form so that minimum requirement of candidate is fulfil or not. Generally age, qualification, proper training and experience and other information should be considered in the initial screening stages.
3.     Employment test:
In the third step of selection process, concern departments, experts and professional group collect the information to employment test so that, right candidates can be selected for the particular job. Some psychological test, personality, physical fitness, attitude, written examination, practical employment tests etc are examined to choose the right candidates among the applicants.
4.     Selection interview:
After the employment test like written examination, practical employment tests, some candidates can be selected for interview. In the selection interview, some information about candidates are acquired which information cannot be obtained in written examination and other tests. An interview will be more practicable to study about the psychology, patience, the way of speaking, listening and other activities. There is face-to-face interaction to collect the information about candidates.
5.     Background study:
Background study is an important step in selection process. Background is very important to forecast future activities of candidates. Background can be studied through asking questions to the relatives of candidates, previous organization, society and asking cross questions prepared by experts.
6.     Final interview:
Final interview is an important step in selection process. It is the last step to take an interview by authorized person or level. In some organization, it can be considered as the just legal formality and introduce with superior of an organization.
7.     Physical examination:
After the completion of academic and psychological test, candidates should go for medical test. Before the selection for placement, candidates should fill up the form and get medical report from doctor appointed by organization or authorized institutions.
8.     Placement or Appointment:
When, all psychological, academic and physical tests are completed that indicates candidates are well-qualified and favourable to the organization. There is no further more formal test or information is left to collect for the selection. After all steps, employees are appointed on the basis of the right person to the right job or position or post according to their qualification.

Selection test:

Human resource department can apply the different types of selection test that depends upon the nature of the job, position and post of employees, etc. the following test can be applied for the selection:
1.     Ability test:
    i.        Aptitude test:
Aptitude test measures the capability of candidates for the particular job. Aptitude test includes GMAT (General Management Aptitude Test), Mechanical aptitude test (Ability to handle the machinery and equipment), Artistic aptitude test (it measures the art of performing job) and Psycho motor aptitude test (it measures the psychological activities, IQ, balance between mental and physical work).
  ii.        Achievement test:
Achievement test is directly related to the performing job. It measures the achievement of employees while performing the job. It indicates the practical knowledge. Generally, achievement test collects the information about the job knowledge (knowledge and ideas about the particular job), work sample test (asking some questions related to the job).
iii.        Intelligence test:
Intelligence test is also known as IQ test in short. It is mental ability in thinking, creation of new ideas, etc.
2.     Personality test:
Personality test is the combined form of physical, mental, academic ability of a person. Personality test includes the following tests or factors.
·        Motivation
·        Self confidence
·        Physical fitness
·        Attitude
·        Learning capacity
·        Perception
Some major points are explained as follows.
    i.        Interest test:
It measures the personal likes and dislikes.
  ii.        Attitude test:
Positive and negative thinking about any subject, event or person
iii.        Projective test:
It measures the understanding, thinking level or creative mind of a person.
3.     Situational test:
Situational test measures the individual capacity to change the behaviour according to the time and situation.
4.     Honesty test:
It measures the behaviour, honesty in respective rules and regulation, utilization of resources, honour or respect to the senior.

Difference between recruitment and selection:

Recruitment and selection are interrelated to each other. Recruitment mainly focuses on giving attraction for the application for the particular vacant post. The selection is concerned with choosing best candidates among the applicants. The major differences between recruitment and selection are as follows:
Bases of difference
1.   Meaning:
It is an act of announcing vacancy by mentioning attractive things.
It is the process of choosing right candidates among the applicants.
2.   Purpose/
The main purpose of recruitment is searching the well qualified candidates from internal and external source.
The main purpose of selection is fulfillment of organizations’ requirement on the basis of right person to the right job at the right time.
3.   Step/
All recruitment functions start from the beginning of selection.
Selection process starts after the completion of recruitment function.
4.   Effect/
Recruitment is positive in nature, it believes on right candidates for the betterment of organization.
It is negative in nature; it tries to identify the weakness of candidates for the rejection.
5.   Interaction
There is very less possibility for interaction between candidates and employer.
In selection process, there is face to face interaction between employees (candidates) and employer.
6.   Comprehensiveness
Recruitment is not more comprehensive; it just collects the application of candidates and stores them.
Selection is more comprehensive process; it starts from the acceptance of application form and complete with different steps before placement.
7.   Contract
There is no any legal contract between applicants and organization.
There may be legal contract between employees (applicants) and organization (employer) about the payment facilities, job permanency, etc.


An Interview is a step of selection procedure all information about applicants like behavioural activities, attitude, personality, way of thinking, patience, confidents, etc cannot be obtained by written examination and bio-data. Therefore, human resource department should conduct the interview as per the requirement. Therefore, Interview is the act of obtaining information about applicants so that, right candidates to the right job can be selected.
There are different types of interview which are listed as below:
1)   Informal interview:
2)   Planned interview:
3)   Depth or stress interview:
4)   Patterned structured interview:
5)   Group interview:
6)   Broad interview:
7)   Formal interview:

Reliability and validity of selection:

Selection is very important function of human resource management. It chooses the right candidates among the applicant but the quality of selection depends upon the reliability and validity of selection, otherwise, it creates the conflict between organization and applicants. On the basis of legal procedure personality of candidates, nature of job, the selection procedure can be selected.
   For the reliability and validity in selection process, the following conditions or factors should be considered.
1.     Validity in selection test:
All selection tests like written examination, making questions answer, interview and its procedure should be valid or it should according to the rules and regulation or procedure of government.
2.     Consistency overtime:
For the validity and reliability of selection test time consistency and their result should be considered.
3.     Other considerable factors:
Content validity for asking questioning, written examination and interview
4.     Construct validity:
It refers to conducting examination and questions.


Socialization is the very important step or function in human resource management. It is the act of making newly appointed candidates familiar to the organization. After the placement or appointment of employees, human resource department should conduct the training seminar and orientation programmes to make clear about organizations rules and regulation, procedure, system, etc. it is the process of making adjust with organization environment so that newly appointed employees do not feel loneliness or quite new in the organization.
According to Robbins and Decenzo, “Socialization refers to a process of adaptation that take place as individuals’ attempt to learn the value and norms of work roles.”
Socialization is the process of changing the mind and behaviour of new employees according to the rules and regulation of organization, system so that, they can feel friendship, family environment and mentally comfort in performing job.

Process of Socialization:

As we know that, Socialization is the process of making newly appointed candidates more familiar about their job, rules and regulation and system of organization. It makes employees habitual about the activities of organization. For the effective socialization the following steps should be completed.
1.     Pre-arrival stage:
After the selection of employees on the basis of right person to the right job, socialization process can be started. In pre-arrival stage, human resource department and a group of experts provide training and education about job. On the basis of the nature of job some ideas, knowledge, proper training are provided to employees. In pre-arrival stage, recruitment and selection processes are also considered and get ideas and experience. This step starts from the recruitment and will be ended after the appointment and providing authority and responsibility.
2.     Encounter stage:
Encounter stage is the very important and challenging stage for newly appointed candidates. There is direct involvement in performing organisational activities following the rules and regulation of organisation and performing job as per order and instruction given by senior, etc. there may be dissatisfaction or conflict between employees’ beliefs, expectations, etc. therefore, this stage is called encounter stage.
3.     Metamorphosis stage:
This is the last step for socialization. In this stage candidates can get the solution of problems, disagreements, etc. sometimes employees may compromise with their expectations, beliefs and values. It is the stage for being familiar with working groups, members, rules and regulation and procedure of organisation.
In conclusion, in first stage newly appointed candidates listen or get orientation about their job, rules and regulation of organisation and in second stage they implement in the practical field some confusion and dissatisfaction can be created. In the last step, newly appointed candidates also will be familiar in the organisation.

Importance of Socialization:

1.     Improve in performance:
2.     Increase in organizational stability:
3.     Facilities employees’ motivation:
4.     Reduces employees’ anxiety:
5.     Minimize employees’ turnover:
Maintaining good relation between employees and organization among the member:


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