Credit Information Bureau / Karja Suchana Kendra Limited
Karja Suchana Kendra Limited is one of the oldest Credit Information Bureau in the SAARC region and was established in May 1989 with the sole objective of restraining the growth of the Non Performing Assets of the Banking and Financial sector of the country that was increasing alarmingly during the period. Later, it got registered as the Company in 2004 under the Company Act 2053 and started its operation as the independent and autonomous entity from March 2005. It operates through provisions made in NRB Act 2058, Article 88. It is a public limited company with banks and financial institutions holding majority of equity (90%) while the rest (10%) is held by Nepal Rastra Bank. KSKL currently has 62 promoter shareholders including 22 commercial Banks, 7 Development Banks, 32 Finance Companies and Nepal Rastra Bank.
Registered Members
As per the Nepal Rastra Bank Regulation, all banks and financial institutions that are registered in Nepal Rastra Bank and engaged in credit lending of Rs. 1 million and above facility must be registered in Kendra as its member. Only the registered members can avail the credit reports and other credit information service provided by Kendra.
There are altogether 135 banks and financial institutions that are registered as members of Kendra. The detail statistics of the number of registered members in each category is as follows:
27 Commercial Banks
14 Development Banks (National)
29 Development Banks (Regional)
32 Finance Companies
7 Others (Micro Finance Institution, Co-Operatives)
14 Development Banks (National)
29 Development Banks (Regional)
32 Finance Companies
7 Others (Micro Finance Institution, Co-Operatives)