Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund (DCGF)
Financial stability is one of the topical issues that has been accorded increased attention from central bank, government, market players, borrowers and deposit insurer. As a deposit insurer, Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund(DCGF) has started the deposit guarantee scheme in Nepal from the year 2010. Deposit guarantee/insurance is recognized globally as an important component of a country's financial safety net and has been implemented in more than 120 countries around the world. It is a system that protects depositors against the loss of their guaranteed deposits placed with banks and financial institutions (BFIs) in the case of unlikely event of the BFIs failure. DCGF has given the statutory responsibility to perform both the deposit guarantee and credit guarantee function through it's own "Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund Act, 2073". In the DCGF Board there has been representation of six from the government and one from Nepal Rastra Bank. Obviously, DCGF is a government sponsored and administered separate entity. Generally, deposit guarantee system is a government sponsored scheme.
In Nepal, deposit guarantee scheme is confined to BFIs namely
- A Class Commercial banks
- B Class Development banks
- C Class Finance companies and
- D Class Micro credit development banks
DCGF has fixed the premium rate of 0.16 % on guaranteed deposit to all BFIs member institutions. The coverage of deposit guarantee is limited to Rs 3,00,000 per natural individual depositors per member institution applicable on a combination of saving and fixed deposit.
In short
- DCGF guarantees the deposit of the natural person depositors upto Rs. 3 lakhs held with the commercial banks and financial institutions licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank.
- The premium rate is 0.16 percentage calculated annually and paid on quarterly basis at the rate of 0.04 percentage calculated on the basis of average deposit amount of last three months of the quarter.
- In case of banks/financial institutions' liquidation, the concerned liquidator prepares the list of depositors to be compensated and send it to the DCGF.
- As per the liquidator's list of depositors, DCGF pays the compensation amount to the concerned depositors through the liquidator.
Credit Guarantee
Microfinance and Deprived Sector Credit Guarantee
- Loans advanced by the member institutions under micro-finance and deprived sector shall be guaranteed by the Fund as follows:
a. Loans advanced to each individual under group guarantee up to Rs. 1 million.
b. Loans advanced to each individual with collateral up to Rs. 2 million.
c. Loans advanced to each individual with educational certificate as collateral up to Rs. 0.70 million.
d. Loans advanced up to Rs. 1.5 million with the prior consent of DCGF for micro-enterprises promoted by women entrepreneurs under personal or group guarantee or project collateral.
e. Loans advanced to Dalits and foreign returned citizens with skill-based training under group guarantee or project collateral up to Rs. 1 million. - The premium rate is fixed at 0.8% per annum out of which only 50% of premium amount (i.e 0.40% of the guaranteed amount) shall be paid by the member institution at the rate of 0.20% each on the outstanding loan of Poush end and Asadh end respectively. Remaining 50% of premium amount (i.e 0.40% of the guaranteed amount) will be received as subsidy from the Government of Nepal. In case of subsidized loan, the subsidy is claimed from Nepal Rastra Bank.
- The maximum tenure to lodge claim by member institutions with the Fund is within two years from the due date of payment of Loan.
- The compensation rate is 75% of the outstanding balance of the loan at due date.
SME Credit Guarantee
- Loans advanced by member institutions up to Rs. 10 million for the promotion of service sectors and industries shall be guaranteed by the Fund under this scheme. For the loans above Rs. 10 million up to 30 million the member institutions have to obtain prior approval of the Fund before disbursing.
- The premium rate is fixed at 0.6% per annum out of which only 50% of premium amount (i.e. 0.30% of the guaranteed amount) shall be paid by the member institution at the rate of 0.15% each on the outstanding loan of Poush end and Asadh end respectively. Remaining 50% of premium amount (i.e. 0.30% of the guaranteed amount) will be received as subsidy from the Government of Nepal.
- The maximum tenure to lodge claim by member institutions with the Fund is within two years from the due date of payment of Loan.
- The compensation rate on guaranteed loan up to Rs 5 million is 80% of the outstanding balance whereas the compensation rate on the guaranteed loan above Rs 5 million up to Rs 20 million is 70% of the outstanding balance.
Agricultural Credit Guarantee
- Loans advanced by member institutions up to Rs. 10 million for the promotion of service sectors and industries shall be guaranteed by the Fund under this scheme. For the loans above Rs. 10 million up to 30 million the member institutions have to obtain prior approval of the Fund before disbursing.
- The premium rate is fixed at 0.6% per annum out of which only 50% of premium amount (i.e 0.30% of the guaranteed amount) shall be paid by the member institution at the rate of 0.15% each on the outstanding loan of Poush end and Asadh end respectively. Remaining 50% of premium amount (i.e 0.30% of the guaranteed amount) will be received as subsidy from the Government of Nepal.
- The maximum tenure to lodge claim by member institutions with the Fund is within two years from the due date of payment of Loan.
- The compensation rate on guaranteed loan up to Rs 5 million is 80% of the outstanding balance whereas the compensation rate on the guaranteed loan above Rs 5 million up to Rs 20 million is 70% of the outstanding balance.
Educational loan and Educational Unemployed Business Credit Guarantee
- The education loan advanced by member institutions up to the limit of Rs. 1 million.
- The loan advanced by the member institutions up to Rs. 5,00,000 without collateral or on a group guarantee to the educated unemployed persons for skill development and to establish and run the business on their own.
- The premium is fixed at 1% per annum out of which only 50% of premium amount (i.e 0.50% of the guaranteed amount) shall be paid by the member institution at the rate of 0.25% each on the outstanding loan of Poush end and Asadh end respectively. Remaining 50% of premium amount (i.e 0.50% of the guaranteed amount) will be received as subsidy from the Government of Nepal.
- The maximum tenure to lodge claim by member institutions with the Fund is within two years from the due date of payment of Loan.
- The compensation rate is 80% of the outstanding balance of the loan at due date.
Export Credit Guarantee
- Loans advanced by member institutions up to Rs. 0.2 million for the promotion of export-oriented business shall be guaranteed by the Fund under this scheme. For the loans above Rs. 0.2 million up to 1 million the member institutions have to obtain prior approval of the Fund before disbursing.
- The premium rate is fixed at 1% per annum out of which only 50% of premium amount (i.e 0.50% of the guaranteed amount) shall be paid by the member institution at the rate of 0.25% each on the outstanding loan of Poush end and Asadh end respectively. Remaining 50% of premium amount (i.e 0.50% of the guaranteed amount) will be received as subsidy from the Government of Nepal.
- The maximum tenure to lodge claim by member institutions with the Fund is within two years from the due date of payment of Loan.
- The compensation rate on guaranteed loan up to Rs 0.20 million is 80% of the outstanding balance whereas the compensation rate on the guaranteed loan above Rs 0.2 million and up to Rs 1 million is 70% of the outstanding balance.
Livestock Guarantee
- Livestock purchased from the loan advanced by the member institutions up to the maximum limit of Rs. 1,50,000 is guaranteed by DCGF.
- The premium rate is fixed at 5% per annum out of which only 50% of premium amount (i.e 2.5% of the guaranteed amount) should be paid by concerned loanee. Remaining 50% of premium amount (i.e 2.5% of the guaranteed amount) will be received as subsidy from the Government of Nepal.
- In case of death of livestock within the policy period, DCGF pays compensation to the farmer through the member institutions at the rate of 90% of the guaranteed amount.
- In case the livestock turns out to be unproductive within the policy period, the farmers are compensated up to 50% of the guaranteed amount through the member institutions.
निक्षेप तथा कर्जा सुरक्षण
सीमित आय भएका सर्वसाधारण निक्षेपकर्तालाई बैकिंग एवं वित्तीय संस्थाको निक्षेप प्रति वढी विश्वसनीय पार्ने उद्देश्यले निक्षेपको सुरक्षण गरिएका बैंक/वित्तीय संस्था खारेज भएको वा liquidation मा गएको अवस्थामा त्यस्तो निश्चित निक्षेप वरावरको दावी भुक्तानी पाउने गरी सुरक्षण/बीमा गराउने प्रचलन करिव ८० वर्ष अघिदेखि संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाले शुरु गरेको र हाल आएर विश्वका करिव १२० राष्ट्रले त्यस्तो निक्षेप सुरक्षण/बीमा स्कीम लागू गरेका छन् ।
- निक्षेप सुरक्षणको अपेक्षित प्रभाव
- निक्षेपकर्ताको हित संरक्षण
- वित्तीय प्रणालीको स्थायित्वमा सहयोग
- स–साना निक्षेप कर्ताहरुको निक्षेपको संरक्षण
- वित्तीय प्रणालीको प्रतिस्पर्धामा वृद्धि
- वित्तीय उद्धारमा सरकारी कोष प्रयोगको न्यूनीकरण
- नैतिक जोखिम (moral hazard) को संभावना
लघु वित्त तथा विपन्न वर्ग, साना तथा मझौला उद्यम र पशुधन जस्ता कर्जाले रोजगारी, आय आर्जन, समावेशी र दिगो आर्थिक वृद्धि गराउन मद्दत गर्ने हुँदा त्यस्ता कर्जाको व्यवसयिकताको जोखिम कम गर्ने उद्देश्यले सुरक्षणको अवधारणा विकसित भएको हो । यस्तो कर्जामा सरकारी स्तर र दातृ निकायबाट कार्यक्रममुखी सुरक्षणमा अनुदान समेत दिने गरेको पाइन्छ । यसबाट खराब कर्जा न्यूनीकरण गर्न मद्दत पुगी अन्तत:
(क) त्यस्तो न्यूनीकरणको प्रभावलाई आय आर्जनमा रुपान्तरण गर्नु,
(ख) तोकिएका कर्जाहरुमा loan loss provisioning गर्न नपर्ने भई यसबाट आय, शेयरधनी स्वामित्व र वित्तीय अवस्थामा सकारात्मक प्रभाव पर्ने र ऋणी तथा लगानी गर्ने संस्थाको आत्मविश्वास एवं ग्राहक संतुष्टीमा समेत मद्दत पुग्ने अपेक्षा लिइएको हुन्छ ।
कर्जा सुरक्षणको अपेक्षित प्रभाव
- विपन्न, सिमान्तकृत, साना तथा मझौला क्षेत्रका ऋणिहरुलाई संस्थागत कर्जाको पहुँच
- कर्जा प्रदायक र सुरक्षणकर्ताबीचको संबन्ध विकास
- कर्जा प्रदायक र सुरक्षणकर्ताबीच जोखिमको हिस्सेदारिता
- सुरक्षण सस्कृतिको विकास
- दावी भुक्तानी पछि पनि कर्जा असुली प्रकृयालाई निरन्तरता
- कर्जा सुरक्षणमा सामाजिक–आर्थिक पक्षको दृष्टीबाट अनुदानको व्यवस्था
- कर्जा सुरक्षणको कारण ऋण तिर्ने वानी तथा अवधिमा सुधार
- कर्जा सुरक्षणमा नैतिक जोखिम (moral hazard) को संभावना
- कर्जा प्रदायक संस्थाको प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक क्षमता, वित्तीय सवलता र दक्ष जनशक्तिको माध्यमद्धाराकर्जा व्यवस्थापनको सुनिश्चितता
संदर्भ नेपाल
नेपालको सन्दर्भमा निक्षेप तथा कर्जा सुरक्षणको कार्य निक्षेप तथा कर्जा सुरक्षण काेषले मात्र गर्ने व्यवस्था रहेको र यस्ले प्रचलनमा ल्याएका सुरक्षण कार्यक्रमहरु निम्न अनुसार रहेका छन्:
१. निक्षेप सुरक्षण कार्यक्रम
नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकबाट इजाजत प्राप्त बैंक/वित्तीय संस्थाहरुमा प्रत्येक प्राकृतिक व्यक्तिको चल्ती, बचत एवं मुद्दती निक्षेप समेत गरी अनिवार्य रुपमा रु. ३ लाख सम्मको रकम वार्षिक ०.१६% सुरक्षण दस्तुर अर्थात ०.०४% त्रैमासिक रूपमा वर्षमा चार पटक श्रावण, कार्तिक, माघ र बैशाख १० गते भित्र सुरक्षण दस्तुर किस्ताबन्दीमा सदस्य संस्थाले व्यहोर्ने गरी सुरक्षण गर्दछ।
२. कर्जा सुरक्षण कार्यक्रम
लघुवित्त तथा विपन्न वर्ग कर्जा सुरक्षण कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत
(क) बिना धितो सामूहिक लगानीमा रु 10 लाख रुपैयाँसम्म
(ख) धितो लगानीमा रु. 20 लाख रुपैयाँसम्म
(ग) कोषको पूर्व सहमति लिई महिलाहरुद्वारा संचालित लघुउद्यमको लागि सम्बन्धित परियोजना धितो राखी वा सामूहिक जमानी वा व्यक्तिगत जमानीमा रु. 15 लाख रुपैयाँसम्म
(घ) शैक्षिक प्रमाणपत्रको धितोमा रु ७ लाख सम्म र
(ङ) वैदेशिक रोजगारीबाट सीप मूलक तालिम लिर्इ फर्केका युवा तथा दलित समुदायका व्यक्तिलार्इ सामूहिक जमानी वा परियोजना धितो राखी लगानी गरिएको कर्जाको हकमा रु १० लाख रुपैयाँसम्मको कर्जा सुरक्षण गर्ने गर्दछ। यस्ता कर्जाको सुरक्षण शुल्क बापत कर्जा प्रवाह गर्ने सदस्य संस्थाहरुले वार्षिक 0.8% वा अर्धवार्षिक ०.4% को किस्तामा बुझाउनु पर्नेछ । कोषमा सुरक्षण भएका यस्ता कर्जा पुरै खराब (default) भएको प्रमाणित भएमा ७५% कर्जा जोखिमको दावी भुक्तानी कोषले व्यहोर्ने गर्दछ।
साना तथा मझौला उद्यम कर्जा सुरक्षण कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत उद्योग व्यवसाय, सेवा व्यवसाय वा अन्य कर्जाको लागि सदस्य संस्थाले प्रदान गरेको रु. 1 करोड सम्मको कर्जा अनिवार्य रुपमा र कोषको स्वीकृति लिई लगानी गरेको कर्जाको हकमा रु 3 करोड सम्मको कर्जा कोषले सुरक्षण गर्ने गर्दछ । यस्ता कर्जाको सुरक्षण शुल्क कर्जा प्रवाह गर्ने सदस्य संस्थाले वार्षिक ०.6% र ०.3% अर्धवार्षिक रुपमा बुझाउनु पर्नेछ । यस्तो कर्जा पुरै खराब (default) भएको प्रमाणित भएमा रु ५० लाख सम्म ८०% र रु ५० लाख भन्दा माथि रु 2 करोड सम्म ७०% कर्जा जोखिमको दावी भुक्तानी कोषले व्यहोर्ने गर्दछ ।
कृषि कर्जा सुरक्षण कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत विभिन्न प्रकारका कृषि व्यवसायको लागि सदस्य संस्थाले कृषि क्षेत्रमा प्रदान गरेको रु. 1 करोड सम्मको कर्जा अनिवार्य रुपमा र कोषको स्वीकृति लिई लगानी गरेको कर्जाको हकमा रु 3 करोड सम्मको कर्जा कोषले सुरक्षण गर्ने गर्दछ । यस्ता कर्जाको सुरक्षण शुल्क कर्जा प्रवाह गर्ने सदस्य संस्थाले वार्षिक ०.6% र ०.3% अर्धवार्षिक रुपमा बुझाउनु पर्नेछ । यस्तो कर्जा पुरै खराब (default) भएको प्रमाणित भएमा रु ५० लाख सम्म ८०% र रु ५० लाख भन्दा माथि रु 2 करोड सम्म ७०% कर्जा जोखिमको दावी भुक्तानी कोषले व्यहोर्ने गर्दछ ।
शैक्षिक कर्जा तथा शैक्षिक बेरोजगार व्यवसाय कर्जा सुरक्षण कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत तोकिएका विषय अध्ययन गर्नको लागि नेपाल सरकारले लक्षित गरेका व्यक्तिहरुको शिक्षामा सदस्य संस्थाले लगानी गरेको रु १० लाख सम्मको शैक्षिक कर्जा र तोकिएका विषयमा व्यवसायीक तालिम लिई व्यवसाय स्थापना वा संचालनको लागि नेपाल सरकारले लक्षित गरेका बेरोजगार व्यक्तिहरुलाई सदस्य संस्थाले व्यक्तिगत वा सामूहिक जमानीमा लगानी गरेको रु १० लाख सम्मको कर्जा कोषले सुरक्षण गर्ने गर्दछ । यस्ता कर्जाको सुरक्षण शुल्क कर्जा प्रवाह गर्ने सदस्य संस्थाले वार्षिक 1% र ०.5% अर्धवार्षिक रुपमा बुझाउनु पर्नेछ । कोषमा सुरक्षण भएका यस्ता कर्जा पुरै खराब (default) भएको प्रमाणित भएमा 80% कर्जा जोखिमको दावी भुक्तानी कोषले व्यहोर्ने गर्दछ।
निर्यात कर्जा सुरक्षण कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत निर्यातजन्य व्यवसायको लागि सदस्य संस्थाले प्रदान गरेको रु. 2 लाख सम्मको कर्जा अनिवार्य रुपमा र कोषको स्वीकृति लिई लगानी गरेको कर्जाको हकमा रु 10 लाख सम्मको कर्जा कोषले सुरक्षण गर्ने गर्दछ । यस्ता कर्जाको सुरक्षण शुल्क कर्जा प्रवाह गर्ने सदस्य संस्थाले वार्षिक 1% र ०.5% अर्धवार्षिक रुपमा बुझाउनु पर्नेछ । यस्तो कर्जा पुरै खराब (default) भएको प्रमाणित भएमा रु 2 लाख सम्म ८०% र रु 2 लाख भन्दा माथि रु 10 लाखसम्म ७०% कर्जा जोखिमको दावी भुक्तानी कोषले व्यहोर्ने गर्दछ ।
पशुधन कर्जा सुरक्षण कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत कर्जा प्रदान गर्ने सदस्य संस्थाले पशुधनको वर्गीकरण अनुसार एक पशुको लागि अधिकतम रु. १ लाख ५० हजार सम्मको कर्जा सुरक्षण गर्ने गर्दछ । यस्तो कर्जाको वार्षिक सुरक्षण शुल्क 2.५% का दरले सम्बन्धित ऋणीले बुझाउनु पर्नेछ । यस्तो कर्जाबाट खरीद पशुधनको मृत्यु भएको प्रमाणित भएमा ९०% र स्थायीरुपले अनुत्पादक प्रमाणित भएमा ५०% कर्जा जोखिमको दावी भुक्तानी कोषले व्यहोर्ने गर्दछ ।