Blogger’s terms and conditions may not allow to remove this widget from the blog. Check terms & conditions before doing this hack.
It can be removed by three methods.
  • Using edit HTML method
Step 1: Go to Template > Edit HTML > Proceed
Step 2: Search for attribution, We can find the following code.
<b:widget id=’Attribution1′ locked=’true’ title=” type=’Attribution’/>
Step 3: Delete or comment out the above code.
Sometime, this method will work. If it is not working use the following method.
  • Using Unlock method
For this method, up to step 2 everything is same. After searching and finding the above code, change the red coloured true to false.
<b:widget id=’Attribution1′ locked=’true‘ title=” type=’Attribution’/>
So the code will be like this.
<b:widget id=’Attribution1′ locked=’false’ title=” type=’Attribution’/>
Now close Edit HTML. Go to Layout. Find widget named Attribution. Click edit. Click on the Remove button. Gone..
Removing Attribution
  • Hide using CSS Method
For this method, up to step 2 everything is same. Add following code inside your style sheet. i.e., above  ]]</b:skin> tag. Search for this tag and add following just above it.
#Attribution1 {display: none;}
Then save..