Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL)
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) is fully government owned, largest commercial bank in Nepal. Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) has a history of serving its customers far and wide across the nation for more than half a century. The bank then fully owned by Government of Nepal, was established on 10 Magh 2022 (23 January 1966) under the special statute "Rastriya Banijya Bank Act, 2021" and had operated under "Commercial Bank Act, 2031" until it was re-registered as public limited company on 6 Baishak 2063 (19 May 2006). At present, the Bank operates as "A" class financial institution licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank and carries out commercial banking activities as per the provisions of the "Bank and Financial institutions Act 2073," (2017).
RBBL stands as one of the most preferred bank with the highest number of customers all 77 districts and 7 provinces of the country. The Bank has been able to imprint its presence in national economy through efficient allocation of resources in all sectors of economy thereby enhancing production and generating employment opportunities within the country. The unflinching faith and goodwill bestowed by our customers continued support from the Government, well wishers and general public has been the reason for us to stand as the most trusted bank in the country.
The bank currently provides its services to its customers from its 256 branches, 218 ATM terminals, and 98 branchless banking units spread in all 77 districts of the nation
Vision / Mission - Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd.
"The most credible bank for one and all, always contributing towards Nation's prosperity"Mission:
"We strive to enhance the quality of life of all Nepalese by eliminating barriers to financial access and helping them achieve their full potential; and by ensuring safe, innovative and affordable financial services, through vast networks of efficient centres, socially responsible business processes and empathetic human resource"Strategy:
"Our envisioned intention is to become the leading provider of diverse financial services to all Nepalese."Core Value:
- Respect People and their community.
- Effectiveness and efficiency in our business process.
- Value all kind of resources.
- Responsible and accountable for our deliveries.
- Honesty, lntegrity and Credibility in each of our action.
- Focus on providing innovative financial services.
- Increase in capital base of the Bank by meeting the minimum capital requirement.
- Business growth and increase in market share.
- Enhance operational efficiency.
- Sustainable increase in profits.
- Focus on empowerment of deprived class.
Services currently offered by RBB
A. Loan/Credit
- Loan Products of Rastriya Banijya Bank
- 1. Business Loan
The business loan provides finance to support or expand existing business and also to start up new business. RBBL provide full range of banking solutions to meet customers financing needs.
- I. Funded Loan
- a. Overdraft/Hypothecation Loan
Overdraft/Hypothecation Loan is a revolving credit facility that finances the everyday operation of the customers business and fulfills its working capital requrement.
- b. Pledge Loan
- c. Term Loan
- d. Project Loan
- e. Trust Receipt Loan
- f. Export Loan
- g. Bills purchase (Clean Bill)
- h. Loan for Infrastructure based industries
- i. Consortium Loan
The bank provides short term finance upto 6 months against the pledge of inventory such as sugar, paddy, jute, rice.
The bank provides long term loan to fulfill the long term credit requirement of the customer. The term loan is provided for project development or for procuring plant, machinery and equipment.
The bank provides finance for the development and running of the project. The project loan compromises of the working capital loan and term loan.
The bank provides trust receipt loan to fulfill short term finance requirement on import of other than capital items through LC and helps customers to maintain its working capital cycle.
The bank provides export finance facilities against LC, pre-shipment packing credit and post shipment loan.
The bank provides finance facilites against Bills/drafts/Travelers Cheque/Pay Order (negotiable instrument).
Bank extends both fixed term loan and working capital loan. Loans are provided for the establishment, capacity addition, up-gradation of existing facilitates as well as acquisition of existing facilites. The loan is extended to infrastructure based industries such as hydropower, hotel, cable car, road, etc.
RBBL also helps financing needs of the project through consortium lending as the lead or member bank
- a. Overdraft/Hypothecation Loan
- II. Non Funded Loan
- a. Letter of Credit
- b. Bank Guarantee
The bank provides LC facilities to its customers to facilitate the import
The bank provides comprehensive range of bank guarantee facilities like bid bond, performance bond, advance payment guarantee, financial guarantee, Counter guarantee, Bonded warehouse guarantee and also bank guarantee in favour of financial institutions.
- I. Funded Loan
- 2. Retail Loan
Retail loan provides finance to fulfill customers personal needs
- a. Housing loan
- b. Vehicle loan
- c. Hire purchase loan
- d. Educational loan
- e. Apartment loan
- f. Loan against gold
- g. Loan against fixed deposit receipt
- h. Loan against the government bond
- i. Loan against shares
- j. Loan against the first class bank guarantee
- k. Rastra Sewak loan
- l. Teachers' loan
- m. Personal loan
The bank provides the housing loan facilities for the construction of house for both residential and commercial purpose and also for the repair, extension, renovation of existing building.
The bank provides the vehicle loan facilities for the purchase of new vehicle for the commercial and personal purpose. it also provides finance for purchase of used vehicle for the commercial and personal purpose.
The bank provides the finance for the purchase of public vehicles and heavy equipment
The bank provides the finance to support for the customers education. This finance is provided against the cost of admission and tuition fees, deposit sum, travelling expenses incurred while going abroad for studies, books cost and living expenses.
The bank provides the loan to the customer against the fixed deposit receipt issued by the bank itself. The loan is provided to the maximum of 95% of face value of the receipt and additional 2% interest is levied on the coupon rate.
The bank provides the loan to the customers against the bods, debentures, promissiory notes issued by the government/Nepal Rastra Bank. The loan amount si provided toi the maximum of 100% of face value of the receipt.
This is the special product of RBBL which has been tailored to meet the banking needs of employees of the government, partly owned by government, nepal police, armed police force, nepal army, local authorities owned wholly or partly by government and corporations.
Thius is another special product of RBBL tailored to meet the bamking needs of permanent teachers working in government schools and universities.
The bank provides both revolving (OD) and fixed tenure long term loan (term loan) to fulfill the various personal needs of the customers. The nature of personal loan depends upon the requirement of the customers.
- 3. Agriculture Loan
- a. Agronomy
- Cereal crops: Paddy, wheat, maize, millet, oilseeds, pulses, etc.
- Cash crops: Vegetables, Sugarcane
- Special crops: Seed production, spices, herbs
- b. Live stock
- Farming: Cattle (cow, buffalo), poultry (broilers, layers), pig, goat, sheep
- Processing: Dairy, slaughter houses, meat processors
- Marketing: Wholesalers, retailers
- c. Horticulture
- d. Floriculture
- Cut flower
- Orchids
- ornamental plants
- e. Aquaculture/Fish Farming As fish farming has becoming the growing business of the country, RBBL intends to support in fish production, processing and marketing by developing its market chain from production to retailing. RBBL extends to credit support for pond construction, pond farming, cage construction for lake farming and raceways for running water fish farming. Credit support is also extended to establish hatchery for production of fingerlings and feed industry for fish.
- f. Apiculture/Bee keeping
RBBL extends credit support for bee keeping (Cerana and mellifera), processing of honey and its marketing.
RBBL provides the services of total production credit to the grower farmers fulfilling the credit needs for the whole year comprising the cropping pattern in a onetime processing of credit. This approach facilitates the client not to waste the time in credit processing for each crop in a year. It is a line of credit type of credit service with provision of renewal at the starting of the year. On the top of that, RBBL provides credit service to the processors, wholesalers and retailers as well as seed producers of the following crops. RBBL also provides the credit support in farm machineries, construction of cold storage, developing irrigation facility as well.
RBBL provides credit services to support the production of milk and milk products, meat and meat products through cattle farming, poultry farming, pig farming, goat raring, etc. Credit support for capital expenditure and working capital is extended to the following categories.
RBBL extends support for production, processing and marketing of fruits e.g. banana, papaya, and processing and marketing of teas, coffee, orange, etc.
RBBL provides credit on floriculture business for production and marketing of the following items
B. Deposit
- 1. Business Loan
- Deposit Products of Rastriya Banijya Bank
- 1. Current Account
- 2. Saving Account
- Karma Yogi Bachat Khata
- Maha Laxmi Bachat Khata
- ChhunaMuna Bachat Khata
- Teachers' Bachat Khata [Sikshak Bachat Khata]
- 3. Fixed Deposit
C. Remittance
D. Branchless banking
The bank currently provides its services to its customers from 98 branchless banking units spread in all 77 districts of the nation
The bank currently provides its services to its customers from its 218 ATM terminals spread in all 77 districts of the nation
F. E-banking
G. Mobile pay
H. SMS banking
I. Card services (debit/credit card)
J. RBB Merchant Banking Limited
RBB Merchant Banking Limited is a Subsidiary Company of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) with 100 percent equity holding. RBB Merchant Banking Limited (RBBM) was incorporated as per the Company Act, 2063 in January 29, 2016 and was granted Merchant Banking operating license (as per the Securities Business Person (Merchant Banker) Regulation 2064) by the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) in June 11, 2017.
Services provided by RBB Merchant Banking Limited
- Securities Issue Management
- Registrar to Shares
- Depository Participant
- Underwriting
- Portfolio Management
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