
Saturday, January 18, 2020

Nepal Chamber of Commerce

Nepal Chamber of Commerce (NCC)

Nepal Chamber of Commerce (NCC), established in 1952 AD (2009 BS) is the first chamber of commerce in Nepal. The corporate office of NCC is located in Kathmandu.
  NCC is the representing institution of private business entities. It plays vital role in business promotion and formulation of commercial, industrial and fiscal policies.
NCC is formed with representatives of ordinary members and registered firms. It involves different members, executive, committee with president. The other details of formulation of NCC are as follows
Any individual firm, company, corporation and organization engaged in trade, industry or related profession is eligible to receive NCC membership. There are four types of membership.
  1. Life member
  2. Ordinary member
  3. Affiliated member
  4. Honorary member
Executive committee
The activities of NCC are planned, programmed and carried out by executive committee comprising of 36 members, out of which 29 are elected by general assembly. Rest 4 members are nominated from among affiliated member and one from general member while another one by NCC president.
General Meeting
The general member of NCC is held annually to discuss and pass resolutions during which vacant seats of executive committee, if any, are also fulfilled. The progress report of outgoing fiscal year are also submitted to general meeting for necessary comments and approval.
Committees organized by NCC
  1. Advisory committee
  2. Consultative committee
  3. Nepal chamber foundation
  4. District coordination council
Functions of NCC
NCC performs many functions to develop national economy through promotion and protection of commerce and industries, both at the private and public sector. The main functions of NCC are as follows.
  •  Maintain relationship with business community
The function of NCC is to foster good relationship and unity among training community and industrialists of Nepal. It coordinates business communities when any dispute created among them. It facilitates to find out acceptable solution to resolve the disputes.
  • Develop link with world business communities
It’s function is to co-operate with national business entities with international business entities for the betterment of national economy. This is helpful to promote business relations at international level.
  • Organize trade and industrial fairs
It co-operates and facilities the Nepalese business communities to participants in such fairs. It provides both technical and procedural services to business entities so that they can participate easily in such business affairs.
  • Issue certificate of origin
In foreign countries, Nepalese products get some exemption in tax and custom duty and for this purpose they need a certificate of origin which is provided by NCC.
  • Establish academic institutions
It’s main function is to establish the academic institution related to commerce and industry. It also involves in the technical, management and hold programs to promote business activities which facilitates to search out new scope of business and encourage entrepreneurs to invest in such business.
  • Involve in social welfare
Chamber is very effortful towards the extension of its services in the years to come. NCC has been providing free ambulance and Corpse van services in Kathmandu valley.


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