
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Finance questions answer

1.     What do you mean by financial management? Explain the function of financial management.
*   Financial management is the broadest of the three areas, and the one with the most job opportunities. Financial management is important in all types of businesses, including banks and other financial institutions, as well as industrial and retail firms. Financial management is also important in governmental operations, from schools to hospitals to highway departments. The job opportunities in financial management range from making decisions regarding plant expansions to choosing what types of securities to issue when financing expansion. Financial managers also have the responsibility for deciding the credit terms under which customers may buy, how much inventory the firm should carry, how much cash to keep on hand, whether to acquire other firms (merger analysis), and how much of the firm’s earnings to plow back into the business versus pay out as dividends. Financial management is used to refer to the management of funds in the context of a business firm. Financial management is decision making process of investment, financing and assets management decision.
      The functions of financial management can be categorized into two types i.e. Executive finance function and Routine finance function that are explained as follows:
1)  Executive finance function:
2)  Routine finance function:

2.     What is wealth maximization? Why is wealth maximization superior goal to profit maximization?
*   Wealth maximization is almost universally accepted goal or objective of a firm. According to this goal, the managers should take decisions that maximize the shareholder wealth. Shareholder wealth is maximized when a decision generates net present value which is the difference between present value of benefits of a project and present value of its cost.
          Wealth maximization is superior goal to profit maximization because it has following best aspects than profit maximization.
a)  Shareholder wealth maximization goal is clear:
Shareholder wealth maximization goal requires that every financial decision be evaluated in terms of cash flow; the term cash flow is explicit. According to this goal, the cost and benefits of every decision are measured in terms of cash flow rather than in terms of accounting profit.
b)    It considers the timing of cash flow:
The cash flow occurring at two different points in time have different value, hence not comparable.
3.     Differentiate profit maximization and stock price maximization.

4.     Explain the finance function in the organization structure of the firm with the help of suitable chart.
5.     What do you mean by agency problem? How does agency problem raise and can be solved between shareholders and managers?
*   Michael C. Jensen and William H. Meckling at first explained the nature of agency problem. Generally, agency problem is the conflicts of interest between shareholders, managers and creditors. In a company, the interests of those groups become different from which there arise different while making decisions. In financial management agency problem refers to the conflict of interest between the shareholders and mangers that can appropriately be viewed as the principal and agents respectively.
It has long been recognized that managers may have personal goals that compete with shareholder wealth maximization. Managers are empowered by the owners of the firm—the shareholder—to make decisions and that creates a potential conflict of interest known as agency problem. There are two types of agency problem i.e. agency problem between shareholders and managers, and agency problem between shareholders and creditors.
                               i.            Agency problem between shareholders and managers
Mechanism to resolve the conflict of interests between Shareholders and Manager
a)    Managerial compensation
b)    Direct intervention by shareholders
c)     The threat of firing
d)    The threat of hostile takeover
                             ii.            Agency problem between shareholders and creditors


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